Pengembangan Aplikasi Informasi Wisata di Kota Palembang Berplatform Android

Main Authors: Afrianti, Eka, Wardanny, Handayani Putri, Ibrahim, Ali; Universitas Sriwijaya
Format: application/pdf eJournal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Major of Information Systems Faculty of Computer Science Sriwijaya University , 2017
Online Access:
ctrlnum article-4305
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><title lang="en-US">Pengembangan Aplikasi Informasi Wisata di Kota Palembang Berplatform Android</title><creator>Afrianti, Eka</creator><creator>Wardanny, Handayani Putri</creator><creator>Ibrahim, Ali; Universitas Sriwijaya</creator><description lang="en-US">AbstractPalembang is the capital of the province of South Sumatra, Palembang is one of the capital city that is big enough and its development very rapidly during the past 6 years. Palembang, which once hosted the Sea Games in 2011, makes tourist arrivals in the city of Palembang increased. The city government of Palembang was incentive to improve and increase the number of tourist object in Palembang. But there are still many tourists and local people who do not know what any tourist object in the city of Palembang. Starting from the ignorance of the need for the application of information based on android tourist information that displays information of any tourist object in the city of Palembang.Keywords&#x2014; Tourist object, Palembang, Android, InformationAbstrakPalembang adalah ibu kota provinsi Sumatera Selatan, Palembang merupakan salah satu ibu kota yang cukup besar dan perkembangannya sangat pesat selama kurun waktu 6 tahun belakangan. Palembang yang pernah menjadi tuan rumah dari Sea Games pada tahun 2011 lalu, membuat kunjungan wisatawan di kota Palembang meningkat. Pemerintah kota Palembang pun gencar memperbaiki dan menambah jumlah objek wisata yang ada di Palembang. Namun masih banyak wisatawan maupun masyarakat lokal yang tidak tahu akan objek wisata apa saja yang ada di kota Palembang. Berawal dari ketidaktahuan tersebut maka perlu adanya aplikasi sistem informasi objek wisata berbasis android yang menampilkan informasi objek wisata apa saja yang ada di kota Palembang.Kata kunci&#x2014; Objek wisata, Palembang, Android, Informasi</description><publisher lang="en-US">Major of Information Systems Faculty of Computer Science Sriwijaya University</publisher><contributor lang="en-US"/><date>2017-01-11</date><type>Other:</type><type>File:application/pdf</type><identifier></identifier><source lang="id-ID">Jurnal Sistem Informasi; Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April</source><source lang="en-US">Jurnal Sistem Informasi; Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April</source><language>eng</language><rights>Hereby agree that : Paper&#x2019;s Author&#xA0; ensures that the paper above is the genuine (original), never published in other places or not in process of publishing in other placesBy accepting the paper in above to be publish in JSI, so JSI has copyright on that papers. Ownership of Copyright includes the right to reproduce and distribute, re-print, translate, and / or make new papers in other forms, wether online or offline.The author has a right to publish the papers above online at the webiste adress personal/instiitution to adress include links online Journal of Information Systems (JSI) for same papers. The author ensure that papers above is original, except for quoatations from other authors along with the permission by the author.The author guarantees that the papers above does not consist of defamatory statement and not against other copyrights, trademark, patent, right of law or propriety of others. </rights><recordID>article-4305</recordID></dc>
language eng
format Other:
author Afrianti, Eka
Wardanny, Handayani Putri
Ibrahim, Ali; Universitas Sriwijaya
title Pengembangan Aplikasi Informasi Wisata di Kota Palembang Berplatform Android
publisher Major of Information Systems Faculty of Computer Science Sriwijaya University
publishDate 2017
contents AbstractPalembang is the capital of the province of South Sumatra, Palembang is one of the capital city that is big enough and its development very rapidly during the past 6 years. Palembang, which once hosted the Sea Games in 2011, makes tourist arrivals in the city of Palembang increased. The city government of Palembang was incentive to improve and increase the number of tourist object in Palembang. But there are still many tourists and local people who do not know what any tourist object in the city of Palembang. Starting from the ignorance of the need for the application of information based on android tourist information that displays information of any tourist object in the city of Palembang.Keywords— Tourist object, Palembang, Android, InformationAbstrakPalembang adalah ibu kota provinsi Sumatera Selatan, Palembang merupakan salah satu ibu kota yang cukup besar dan perkembangannya sangat pesat selama kurun waktu 6 tahun belakangan. Palembang yang pernah menjadi tuan rumah dari Sea Games pada tahun 2011 lalu, membuat kunjungan wisatawan di kota Palembang meningkat. Pemerintah kota Palembang pun gencar memperbaiki dan menambah jumlah objek wisata yang ada di Palembang. Namun masih banyak wisatawan maupun masyarakat lokal yang tidak tahu akan objek wisata apa saja yang ada di kota Palembang. Berawal dari ketidaktahuan tersebut maka perlu adanya aplikasi sistem informasi objek wisata berbasis android yang menampilkan informasi objek wisata apa saja yang ada di kota Palembang.Kata kunci— Objek wisata, Palembang, Android, Informasi
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