Format: eJournal
Bahasa: ind
Terbitan: Universitas Negeri Surabaya , 2015
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  • Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kelayakan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa berorientasi Problem Solving pada materi kalor dan perpindahannya kelas VII di SMP ditinjau dari aspek validitas, aspek kepraktisan, dan respons siswa. Aspek validitas ditinjau dari hasil validasi, aspek kepraktisan ditinjau dari hasil pengamatan aktivitas siswa ketika menggunakan LKS berorientasi problem solving, dan hasil respons siswa berdasarkan angket respons. Lembar kegiatan siswa berorientasi problem solving pada materi kalor dan perpindahannya berisi serangkaian tugas yang penyelesaiannya menggunakan tahap problem solving yaitu tahapan memahami masalah, menyusun perencanaan, melaksanakan perencanaan, dan meninjau kembali. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode R&D (Research and Development)  yang dikemukakan oleh Sugiyono (2012:297) yang terdiri dari tujuh tahapan, meliputi tahapan potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan informasi, desain produk, validasi desain produk, revisi desain produk, uji coba produk dan revisi produk. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji coba produk secara terbatas yang dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 21 Surabaya. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yakni lembar validitas, lembar pengamatan aktivitas peserta didik dan lembar angket respons peserta didik. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validitas LKS berorientasi problem solving pada materi kalor dan perpindahannya berdasarkan aspek didaktis, konstruksi, dan teknis masing-masing mendapatkan persentase secara berurutan sebesar 90,7%,91,6%, dan 91,7% dengan interpretasi sangat layak ; kepraktisan LKS berorientasi problem solving pada materi kalor dan perpindahannya berdasarkan pengamatan aktivitas siswa ketika menggunakan LKS mendapatkan interpretasi sangat aktif. Hasil respons siswa memperoleh rata-rata persentase sebesar 90% dengan interpretasi sangat kuat. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Lembar Kegiatan Siswa berorientasi problem solving pada materi kalor dan perpindahannya kelas VII SMP telah layak digunakan sebagai perangkat pembelajaran karena sudah valid, praktis dan mendapat respons positif.   Kata kunci : Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS), Kalor dan Perpindahannya, Problem Solving. Abstract This study intents to describe the feasibility of student activity sheet oriented in problem solving in the heat and its displacement for 7th grade in junior high school. It is reviewed by several aspects, those are validity aspect, practicality aspect, and result of student response. Validity aspect is reviewed by result of validation, practicality aspect is reviewed by direct observation result of student activities when using LKS oriented in problem solving, and the result of student response is reviewed by questionnaire response. Student activity sheet oriented in problem solving in the heat and its displacement contains series of duty which the completion should use problem solving. Those are the stage of understood the problem, device a plan, carry out the plan and look back. The method of study used in this study is R&D method (Research and Development) proposed by Sugiyono (2012: 297). This method consists seven stages, those are potency and problems stage, collecting information stage, product design stage, validating of product design stage, revising product design stage, product trial stage, and revising product. This study uses a limited product trial which is held in SMPN 21 Surabaya. The instrument of study is validation sheet, direct observation sheet of students activities and the questionnaire responses of students. The data were analized through descriptive quantitative method. The result of study shows that validation of LKS oriented in problem solving of heat and its displacement  based on didactic aspect, construction and technical, the precentage of each aspects sequentially are 90,7%, 91,6% and 91,7% with decent interpretation. The practicality of LKS oriented in problem solving in heat and its displacement viewed from direct observation result of student activities when using LKS oriented in problem solving with decent interpretation. Result of student response viewed from questionnaire response earn by the precentage of avarage 90% with strongly interpretation. It can be concluded that LKS oriented in problem solving in the heat and its displacement for 7th grade in junior high school is feasible to be used as a learning tool because it is valid, practical and also get positive response. Keywords: Student Activity Sheet (LKS), Heat and The move, Problem Solving.