Daftar Isi:
  • In 2018, government of Central Java planned to establish Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), corridor Purwokerto – Purbalingga. The fare arrangment of BRT is considering two sides, demand from society and operational cost. It can not to be too cheap, because it has to fulfill the operational cost of the public transportation. And it is can not to be too expensive, then the public transportation can not attract people to use it. The value of ability and willingness to pay then is compared to the vehicle operational cost and also the fare due to the policy of the government. The research was concducted in by interviewing 100 respondent of the posibility passenger of BRT in Purwokerto. The approach of the interview in the ability to pay (ATP) is the cost per trip and travel objective. Whereas the willingness to pay (WTP) is the estimation or perception of BRT fare during the operational. Furthermore the operational cost of BRT was calculated by the data of bus specification and route design based on Transportation Department of Central Java. The result of analysis of vehicle operational cost is Rp. 9.200 / bus-km. By using the load factor of passenger is 70 %, the fare is Rp. 11.105,71 / passenger-trip. The value of ability to pay of (ATP) student group is Rp. 3.517 and willingness to pay (WTP) is 2.367, while for non – student respectively are Rp. 6.033 and Rp. 4.060. Government of Central Java stated the fare is Rp. 2.000 for the student and Rp. 4.000 for the non-student group. The result shows 95% of students are able to pay the fare, Rp. 2.000, and 92% of non-students are able to pay the fare, Rp. 4.000, of BRT. The research recommend the BRT has to connect with angkot, bus and train by using Transit Oriented Development (TOD), increasing the quality of service of angkot, sidewalks, bus stops, and bicycle area in order to attract people to use public transportation