ctrlnum article-3187
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><title lang="en-US">ANALISA PENGARUH VARIASI DAN KOMPOSISI BAHAN PENGISI TERHADAP UNJUK KERJA SAMPEL ISOLATOR RESIN EPOKSI SILANE</title><creator>Alam, Aji Suryo; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudharto, SH, Kampus UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia</creator><creator>Syakur, Abdul; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudharto, SH, Kampus UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia</creator><creator>Nugroho, Agung; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudharto, SH, Kampus UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia</creator><subject lang="en-US"/><description lang="en-US">Abstrak&#xA0;Isolator polimer telah dikembangkan dan digunakan pada saluran transmisi dan jaringan distribusi. Salah satu bahan polymer yang telah digunakan adalah resin epoksi. isolator sangat rentan terhadap pengaruh lingkungan seperti adanya polutan yang menempel pada permukaan isolator yang dapat menyebabkan arus bocor permukaan. Oleh karena itu isolator harus mempunyai unjuk kerja yang baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan persentase bahan pengisi resin epoksi silane menyebabkan kenaikan sudut kontak yang berarti resistansi permukaan bahan isolasi semakin naik, sehingga nilai tegangan flashover semakin meningkat, tetapi kekuatan mekanik cenderung menurun. Nilai pengukuran sudut kontak dan pengujian tegangan flashover&#xA0; pada komposisi filler 50% cenderung lebih besar dibanding sampel lainnya. Sedangkan nilai pengujian tarik dan pengujian tekan pada komposisi filler 50% cenderung menurun dibandingkan dengan sampel lainnya. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa peningkatan persentase bahan pengisi membuat permukaan bahan isolasi semakin hidrofobik, tetapi dilihat dari sisi kekuatan mekanik peningkatan presentase bahan pengisi cenderung menurunkan kekuatan mekanik dari sampel bahan resin epoksi silane.&#xA0;Kata Kunci :&#xA0; Isolator,&#xA0; tegangan flashover, hidrofobik, Uji Tarik, Uji Tekan, Resin Epoksi Silane &#xA0;&#xA0;Abstract&#xA0;Insulating polymers have been developing and using on the transmission lines and distribution. One of the polymer material that has been used is an epoxy resin. insulators are particularly vulnerable to environmental influences such as the presence of pollutants that attach to the surface of the insulator which can cause surface leakage current. The study was conducted to determine how much influence the variation and filler composition on the performance of physical characteristic, electrical characteristic and mechanical characteristic. On physical characteristic examination performed contact angle measurements, testing electrical flashover voltage testing, while testing the tensile mechanical testing and test press. The results showed that the increase in the percentage of epoxy resin filler silanes causes an increase in the contact angle means the resistance of the insulation material surface to rise, thus increasing the value of flashover voltage, but the mechanical strength tends to decline. Value of contact angle measurements and testing flashover at 50% filler compositions tend to be larger than the other samples. While the value of tensile testing and tap testing on filler composition declined 50% compared with other samples. This indicates that the increase in the percentage of filler makes the hydrophobic surface of an insulating material, but in terms of the percentage increase in the mechanical strength of the filler tends to degrade the mechanical strength of epoxy resin samples silanes.&#xA0;Keywords: insulators, flashover voltage, hydrophobic, Tensile Test, Compressive Test, Resin Epoxi Silane</description><publisher lang="en-US">TRANSIENT</publisher><contributor lang="en-US"/><date>2013-09-04</date><type>Journal:Article</type><type>Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion</type><type>Journal:Article</type><type>File:application/pdf</type><identifier>http://ejournal-s1.undip.ac.id/index.php/transient/article/view/3187</identifier><source lang="en-US">TRANSIENT; TRANSIENT, VOL. 2, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2013; 430-436</source><source>2302-9927</source><source>2302-9927</source><language>eng</language><relation>http://ejournal-s1.undip.ac.id/index.php/transient/article/view/3187/3123</relation><recordID>article-3187</recordID></dc>
language eng
format Journal:Article
author Alam, Aji Suryo; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudharto, SH, Kampus UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Syakur, Abdul; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudharto, SH, Kampus UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Nugroho, Agung; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudharto, SH, Kampus UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
publisher TRANSIENT
publishDate 2013
url http://ejournal-s1.undip.ac.id/index.php/transient/article/view/3187
contents Abstrak Isolator polimer telah dikembangkan dan digunakan pada saluran transmisi dan jaringan distribusi. Salah satu bahan polymer yang telah digunakan adalah resin epoksi. isolator sangat rentan terhadap pengaruh lingkungan seperti adanya polutan yang menempel pada permukaan isolator yang dapat menyebabkan arus bocor permukaan. Oleh karena itu isolator harus mempunyai unjuk kerja yang baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan persentase bahan pengisi resin epoksi silane menyebabkan kenaikan sudut kontak yang berarti resistansi permukaan bahan isolasi semakin naik, sehingga nilai tegangan flashover semakin meningkat, tetapi kekuatan mekanik cenderung menurun. Nilai pengukuran sudut kontak dan pengujian tegangan flashover pada komposisi filler 50% cenderung lebih besar dibanding sampel lainnya. Sedangkan nilai pengujian tarik dan pengujian tekan pada komposisi filler 50% cenderung menurun dibandingkan dengan sampel lainnya. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa peningkatan persentase bahan pengisi membuat permukaan bahan isolasi semakin hidrofobik, tetapi dilihat dari sisi kekuatan mekanik peningkatan presentase bahan pengisi cenderung menurunkan kekuatan mekanik dari sampel bahan resin epoksi silane. Kata Kunci : Isolator, tegangan flashover, hidrofobik, Uji Tarik, Uji Tekan, Resin Epoksi Silane Abstract Insulating polymers have been developing and using on the transmission lines and distribution. One of the polymer material that has been used is an epoxy resin. insulators are particularly vulnerable to environmental influences such as the presence of pollutants that attach to the surface of the insulator which can cause surface leakage current. The study was conducted to determine how much influence the variation and filler composition on the performance of physical characteristic, electrical characteristic and mechanical characteristic. On physical characteristic examination performed contact angle measurements, testing electrical flashover voltage testing, while testing the tensile mechanical testing and test press. The results showed that the increase in the percentage of epoxy resin filler silanes causes an increase in the contact angle means the resistance of the insulation material surface to rise, thus increasing the value of flashover voltage, but the mechanical strength tends to decline. Value of contact angle measurements and testing flashover at 50% filler compositions tend to be larger than the other samples. While the value of tensile testing and tap testing on filler composition declined 50% compared with other samples. This indicates that the increase in the percentage of filler makes the hydrophobic surface of an insulating material, but in terms of the percentage increase in the mechanical strength of the filler tends to degrade the mechanical strength of epoxy resin samples silanes. Keywords: insulators, flashover voltage, hydrophobic, Tensile Test, Compressive Test, Resin Epoxi Silane
id IOS2697.article-3187
institution Universitas Diponegoro
institution_id 69
institution_type library:university
library Perpustakaan Universitas Diponegoro
library_id 485
collection TRANSIENT
repository_id 2697
subject_area Fisika
Electronics/Teknik Elektronika
province JAWA TENGAH
repoId IOS2697
first_indexed 2016-09-15T18:02:54Z
last_indexed 2016-09-15T18:02:54Z
recordtype dc
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score 17.607244