The implementation of simon say game to improvestudents' vocabulary mastery in learningenglish

Main Authors: Dalimunte, Muhammad, Salmiah, Maryati
Format: Masters NonPeerReviewed Book
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: , 2017
Online Access:
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  • This researchwasaimed to improve the students’vocabularymasteryin learning English by using Simon says game.The subject of this researchwasseventh grade at MTs Laboratorium UIN-SU Medan in 2017 academicyear.This researchof this study was conducted by using classroomactionresearch. The data used in this researchwere quantitative and qualitative data and theinstruments of collecting data were usedsuch as:Pre-test and Post-test, interviewsheet, observation sheet, andphotography evidence.The result of this researchshowed that there was increasing of students’vocabulary mastery.The mean of thepre-test was44.75, incycleone was64.5, in cycle twowas 80.5, it indicatedthat the scores and the mean in cycle twowere better than the first one. Thepercentage of students who got point 70or more also increased. In the pre-test,there were not students who got point 70. In the post-test of cycle onethe studentswho got point 70or more there were23 of students (57.5%). It means that therewasan increasing about57.5%. The post-test of cycle two, thestudents who gotpoint 70 or more there were 34 students (85%) and the increasing was about27.5%. For the hypothesis testing used t-tes formula.It could be seen that coefficient of t (16.19) with fact level = 0.05 was 3.558 in the cofficient oft count (16.19) > t count (3.558 ). Thus, alternative hyphothesis (Ha) statedthat Simonsays game could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery accepted. The score ofobservation sheet were 4 (very good), and the students were happy to learnvocabulary by using Simon says game it could be seen in the result of interviewandphotographyevidence. It showed thatthe classroom werealive and active. able