ctrlnum 42372
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><relation>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/</relation><title>PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM PEMBEKALAN ASESMEN AUTENTIK PADA PEMBELAJARAN IPA BERBASIS KONTEKS BAGI MAHASISWA CALON GURU SD</title><creator>Ghullam Hamdu, -</creator><subject>L Education (General)</subject><subject>LB1501 Primary Education</subject><subject>Q Science (General)</subject><description>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan program pembekalan asesmen autentik pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks bagi mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar. Program pembekalan tersebut dikembangkan melalui metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi awal dilakukan untuk memperoleh bentuk awal program pembekalan. Pengujian terbatas dilakukan dengan melibatkan mahasiswa semester 7 tahun ajaran 2015/2016 dan sejumlah alumni. Program pembekalan diimplementasikan kepada 82 mahasiswa PGSD semester 7 tahun ajaran 2016/2017 di wilayah Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat yang mengikuti mata kuliah pengembangan pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar. Tahapan pembekalan dibagi menjadi 4 bagian. Bagian 1 dan 2 dilakukan secara tatap muka. Bagian 1 berkaitan dengan pengembangan pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks dan bagian 2 berkaitan dengan pengembangan asesmen autentik pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks. Setiap pertemuan tatap muka dilakukan dengan tahapan: penugasan awal, pemahaman, perancangan dan workshop, review/refleksi hasil rancangan, dan perbaikan. Bagian 3 dilakukan melalui penerapan produk mahasiswa di sekolah. Bagian 4 dilakukan dalam bentuk refleksi dan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan program pembekalan dan hasil implementasi produk. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa program pembekalan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman untuk seluruh aspek dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks. N-gain tertinggi (0,77) dengan kategori tinggi pada aspek memberikan penjelasan pembelajaran IPA dengan melibatkan konteks dan hubungannya dengan asesmen autentik, dan N-gain terendah (0,59) dengan kategori sedang pada aspek pengembangan pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks dengan strategi REACT. Begitu pula Pemahaman terhadap pengembangan asesmen autentik pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks mengalami peningkatan untuk seluruh aspek. N-gain tertinggi (0,81) dengan kategori sangat tinggi pada aspek pengembangan asesmen pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks, dan N-gain terendah (0,59) dengan kategori sedang pada aspek pengembangan soal tes tertulis berbasis HOTS. Hasil produk mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan skoring, dengan skor 3 untuk rentang skor 1-3 dan skor 4 untuk rentang skor 1-4. Hasil tersebut selanjutnya diuji secara statistik, dan hasilnya menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kemampuan memahami dan hasil produk mahasiswa secara signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah pembekalan dilakukan. Keunggulan dari program ini adalah melatih kemampuan mahasiswa calon guru yang profesional dalam mengembangkan asesmen autentik pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks. Sedangkan keterbatasannya, peserta pembekalan lebih diutamakan mahasiswa tingkat akhir dan penggunaan waktu pembekalan yang cukup lama. ..... This study aims at developing authentic assessment debriefing programs for context-based science learning for students of prospective primary school teacher (hereinafter abbreviated PGSD). The debriefing program was developed through research and development method. Furthermore, initial research and information collection were conducted to create the initial form of the program. Limited testing was conducted by involving 7th semester students of the 2015/2016 Academic Year and a number of alumni. The debriefing program was implemented to 82 PGSD students in Tasikmalaya City, West Java who attended the science learning development for Elementary Schools course. Moreover, the debriefing stage was divided into 4 parts, part 1 and 2 were conducted face-to-face. Part 1 dealt with the development of context-based science learning and part 2 dealt with the development of authentic assessments in context-based science learning. Each face-to-face meeting was held in stages; initial assignment, comprehension, design and workshop, review/reflection on the results of the design, and improvement. Later on, part 3 was conducted by implementing students&#x2019; products in schools. Lastly, part 4 was conducted in the form of reflection and evaluation of the debriefing program and the product implementation. The results showed that the debriefing program could improve the comprehension for all aspects in developing context-based science learning. The highest N-gain (0.77), with a high category was in the aspect of providing explanation of science learning by involving the context and its relation to authentic assessment. Meanwhile, the lowest N-gain (0.59), with the medium category was in the aspect of developing context-based science learning with REACT strategies. Therefore, the comprehension of the development of authentic assessments on context-based science learning had increased for all aspects. The highest N-gain (0.81), with a very high category was in the aspect of assessment development in context-based science learning, while the lowest N-gain (0.59) was in the medium category in the aspect of developing HOTS-based written test questions. The results of students&#x2019; products implementation improved scoring, with a score of 3 for a score range of 1-3 and 4 for a range of 1-4. The results were then tested statistically, and they showed a significant difference in the ability to understand and produce students&#x2019; products before and after debriefing. This program is beneficial in training the professional skill of prospective primary teacher in developing authentic assessments in context-based science learning. In term of the limitations, the program participants were preferably final semester students and provided with a longer debriefing period.</description><date>2018-09-03</date><type>Thesis:Bachelors</type><type>PeerReview:NonPeerReviewed</type><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/1/D_IPA_1007294_Title.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/2/D_IPA_1007294_Table_of_Content.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/3/D_IPA_1007294_Abstract.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/4/D_IPA_1007294_Chapter1.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/5/D_IPA_1007294_Chapter2.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/6/D_IPA_1007294_Chapter3.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/7/D_IPA_1007294_Chapter4.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/8/D_IPA_1007294_Chapter5.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/9/D_IPA_1007294_Bibliography.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/10/D_IPA_1007294_Appendix1.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/11/D_IPA_1007294_Appendix2.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/42372/12/D_IPA_1007294_Appendix3.pdf</identifier><identifier> Ghullam Hamdu, - (2018) PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM PEMBEKALAN ASESMEN AUTENTIK PADA PEMBELAJARAN IPA BERBASIS KONTEKS BAGI MAHASISWA CALON GURU SD. S3 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. </identifier><relation>http://repository.upi.edu</relation><recordID>42372</recordID></dc>
language eng
format Thesis:Bachelors
author Ghullam Hamdu, -
publishDate 2018
topic L Education (General)
LB1501 Primary Education
Q Science (General)
url http://repository.upi.edu/42372/1/D_IPA_1007294_Title.pdf
contents Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan program pembekalan asesmen autentik pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks bagi mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar. Program pembekalan tersebut dikembangkan melalui metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi awal dilakukan untuk memperoleh bentuk awal program pembekalan. Pengujian terbatas dilakukan dengan melibatkan mahasiswa semester 7 tahun ajaran 2015/2016 dan sejumlah alumni. Program pembekalan diimplementasikan kepada 82 mahasiswa PGSD semester 7 tahun ajaran 2016/2017 di wilayah Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat yang mengikuti mata kuliah pengembangan pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar. Tahapan pembekalan dibagi menjadi 4 bagian. Bagian 1 dan 2 dilakukan secara tatap muka. Bagian 1 berkaitan dengan pengembangan pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks dan bagian 2 berkaitan dengan pengembangan asesmen autentik pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks. Setiap pertemuan tatap muka dilakukan dengan tahapan: penugasan awal, pemahaman, perancangan dan workshop, review/refleksi hasil rancangan, dan perbaikan. Bagian 3 dilakukan melalui penerapan produk mahasiswa di sekolah. Bagian 4 dilakukan dalam bentuk refleksi dan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan program pembekalan dan hasil implementasi produk. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa program pembekalan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman untuk seluruh aspek dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks. N-gain tertinggi (0,77) dengan kategori tinggi pada aspek memberikan penjelasan pembelajaran IPA dengan melibatkan konteks dan hubungannya dengan asesmen autentik, dan N-gain terendah (0,59) dengan kategori sedang pada aspek pengembangan pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks dengan strategi REACT. Begitu pula Pemahaman terhadap pengembangan asesmen autentik pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks mengalami peningkatan untuk seluruh aspek. N-gain tertinggi (0,81) dengan kategori sangat tinggi pada aspek pengembangan asesmen pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks, dan N-gain terendah (0,59) dengan kategori sedang pada aspek pengembangan soal tes tertulis berbasis HOTS. Hasil produk mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan skoring, dengan skor 3 untuk rentang skor 1-3 dan skor 4 untuk rentang skor 1-4. Hasil tersebut selanjutnya diuji secara statistik, dan hasilnya menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kemampuan memahami dan hasil produk mahasiswa secara signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah pembekalan dilakukan. Keunggulan dari program ini adalah melatih kemampuan mahasiswa calon guru yang profesional dalam mengembangkan asesmen autentik pada pembelajaran IPA berbasis konteks. Sedangkan keterbatasannya, peserta pembekalan lebih diutamakan mahasiswa tingkat akhir dan penggunaan waktu pembekalan yang cukup lama. ..... This study aims at developing authentic assessment debriefing programs for context-based science learning for students of prospective primary school teacher (hereinafter abbreviated PGSD). The debriefing program was developed through research and development method. Furthermore, initial research and information collection were conducted to create the initial form of the program. Limited testing was conducted by involving 7th semester students of the 2015/2016 Academic Year and a number of alumni. The debriefing program was implemented to 82 PGSD students in Tasikmalaya City, West Java who attended the science learning development for Elementary Schools course. Moreover, the debriefing stage was divided into 4 parts, part 1 and 2 were conducted face-to-face. Part 1 dealt with the development of context-based science learning and part 2 dealt with the development of authentic assessments in context-based science learning. Each face-to-face meeting was held in stages; initial assignment, comprehension, design and workshop, review/reflection on the results of the design, and improvement. Later on, part 3 was conducted by implementing students’ products in schools. Lastly, part 4 was conducted in the form of reflection and evaluation of the debriefing program and the product implementation. The results showed that the debriefing program could improve the comprehension for all aspects in developing context-based science learning. The highest N-gain (0.77), with a high category was in the aspect of providing explanation of science learning by involving the context and its relation to authentic assessment. Meanwhile, the lowest N-gain (0.59), with the medium category was in the aspect of developing context-based science learning with REACT strategies. Therefore, the comprehension of the development of authentic assessments on context-based science learning had increased for all aspects. The highest N-gain (0.81), with a very high category was in the aspect of assessment development in context-based science learning, while the lowest N-gain (0.59) was in the medium category in the aspect of developing HOTS-based written test questions. The results of students’ products implementation improved scoring, with a score of 3 for a score range of 1-3 and 4 for a range of 1-4. The results were then tested statistically, and they showed a significant difference in the ability to understand and produce students’ products before and after debriefing. This program is beneficial in training the professional skill of prospective primary teacher in developing authentic assessments in context-based science learning. In term of the limitations, the program participants were preferably final semester students and provided with a longer debriefing period.
id IOS2897.42372
institution Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
institution_id 44
institution_type library:university
library Perpustakaan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
library_id 581
collection UPI Institutional repository
repository_id 2897
subject_area Pendidikan
province JAWA BARAT
repoId IOS2897
first_indexed 2019-10-11T22:22:47Z
last_indexed 2019-10-11T22:22:47Z
recordtype dc
_version_ 1685881739422990336
score 17.607244