Daftar Isi:
- Cara Produksipangan yang Baikmerupakanhalpenting yang harusdilakukandalamsebuahindustriyangdilakukanpadasampelhome industrykerupuk yang ada di Kota Cimahi. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmendapatkaninformasimengenaicaraproduksipangan yang baikpadahome industry kerupuk di Kota Cimahi di bagianluar, dalamdanhasilproduksi. Alasandaridilakukannyapenelitianiniadalahberdasarkanhasilobservasi yang dilakukanpenelitipadabeberapahome industry kerupuk di Kota Cimahibahwamasihterdapatcarapengolahan yang tidakhigine, lingkungan yang tidakbersih, sertamenggunakanalat yang tidakdiperuntukanuntukpengolahanpangan. Metode yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahdeskriptifdenganpendekatanexplanatory sequential mixed methods design (rancanganmetodecampuransekuensialeksplanatoris). Metodecampuransekuensialeksplanatorisadalahcaramengumpulkan data kuantitatifdankualitatifdalamduafase, dengansalahsatubentuk data mengikutidanmemberikaninformasipadabentuk data pengumpulanlainnya. Dalampenelitianini data kualitatifakanmenguatkan data kuantitaif. Temuandalampenelitianiniadalahmasihditemukannyakriteriadalamindikator yang belumditerapkanolehsampelsebagaihome industry kerupuk di Kota Cimahi. Penerapancaraproduksipangan yang baikdalambagianluarproduksisudahlebihdarisetengahnyaditerapkanyaitusebesar 63%, dibagiandalamproduksisudahsebagianbesarditerapkansebesar 75%, danbagianhasilproduksibarulebihdarisetengahnyaditerapkansebesar 63%. ;---Good Manufacturing Production are things that are needed in an industry that is carried out in a sample of home industries in the city of Cimahi. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about good production methods in the home industry in Cimahi City on the outside, inside and production. The reason for this research is the results of research conducted by researchers in several home industries in Cimahi City that still have non-existent processing methods, unclean environments, and use tools that are not intended for food processing. The method used in this study is descriptive explanatory method with an explanatory sequential method approach. The explanatory sequential mixed method is a method of collecting quantitative and qualitative data in two phases, with one form of data and providing information on other forms of data. In this study qualitative data will strengthen quantitative data. Findings in the research that have been carried out are still found in indicators that have never been applied by the sample as a cracker house industry in Cimahi City. The application of good food production methods in the outer part of production has been more than half is 63% applied, in most parts of the production has been mostly is 75% applied, and the share of new production is more than half is 63% applied.