International Summer School on the Digital Library. Ticer & Tilburg University, The Netherlands, 30 of July - 10 of August 2001

Main Author: Lasser, Eduardo
Format: Journal PeerReviewed Book application/pdf
Bahasa: it
Terbitan: , 2001
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • In its 6th edition, the School proposed three weekly courses: 1. The Management of change; 2. Digital libraries and education; 3. Electronic publishing: libraries as buyers, facilitators or producers. The courses reach the purpose. The initial project in integrated with the a profile emerging from the answers to the required questionnaire on course expectances. In these meetings, there is an opening in the perspective of profession, its field and of the sense of the internationality. Guided group works during the courses enrich the variety of points of view from different places.