Main Author: SABILA . NAHARI; Mahasiswa
Format: PeerReviewed
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: , 2016
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  • ABSTRACT In this study the researcher created a speaking medium for eighth graders students. The medium was packed in the form of computerapplication. This medium was intended to increase the students’ interestand their confidence to learn speaking English. This study used theresearch and development design adapted from Borg and Gall (1983). Itconsisted of seven stages which are (1) research and informationcollecting, (2) developing primary form of product, (3) expert and teachervalidation, (4) product revision, (5) field testing, (6) second productrevision, and (7) final product. Keywords : speaking activity, Narrative Silent Animation English is as a compulsory subject that should be learnt in Indonesia. In 2013 curriculum, the education minister of Indonesia considers that a period ofEnglish language subject that to be taught in the classroom was reduced,especially in junior high school that was originally six hours become four hours ina week as stated in Permendikbud Nomor 68 Tahun 2013. The government has areason that students in Indonesia should learn their language properly first thenlearn about other language. Actually, it would not be wrong that the teacherteaches the students an English subject as a foreign language in early, becausestudents who learn in the beginning will provide a more optimal result of theirstudy than begin in adulthood. It is supported by Harmer (2007:81) who statedthat “...young children are learning faster and more effectively than any other agegroup”. There are many ways how to teach speaking English. As stated by Paul(2003: 1), the teaching technique used in one kind of situation may be verydifferent from that used in another situation. It happens because there are various kinds of ages of students, students’ characteristic and students’ ability to catch thematerials. The age of students is an important factor to decide about how and whatto teach. People who have different age also have different needs, competencesand cognitive skills. Therefore the teachers should be compete teachers so thestudents know how to solve the students problem and know what kind ofinstructional medium that is appropriate with the students. In addition, the aim ofteaching speaking English is to help students speak in the real life. As Nunan(1991: 51) wrote, "success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out aconversation in the (target) language. Then, if the students do not practice it in thereal communication it means that they do not reach their goal to increase theirspeaking ability. Practice is the key for students to be success in English Speakingbut as a foreign language learner they tend to have limited vocabulary and guts tospeak directly as English teacher from BSS junior High school said. Therefore,teachers should prepare some method and instructional medium which motivatedfor speaking activities to develop students speaking ability. Method andinstructional medium are expected to be useful and interesting for teachingmaterials. In addition, English is a bit difficult for EFL learner even though they havebeen learning English from childhood. EFL (English as a Foreign Language)learners are students who learn English in a country where English is not thenative language. It shows that there are still many Indonesian students who cannotspeak English fluently. One of the examples was from BSS junior High Schoolstudents. The researcher conducted need analysis at BSS junior High School. Thesubjects of the need analysis were eighth grade. The result of the need analysisshowed that 17 out of 22 (77%) students stated that they did not like Englishsubject some of them said that it was too difficult. 19 out of 22 (86%) studentswere having difficulty in practice English speaking. Most of the problems thatoften faced by student while practicing speaking English was lack of confidence.It was proved from the result of the students’ questionnaire in need analysis. Theyfeel unconfident when they try to speak English especially in front of their friends.The students chose watching English movie and listening to the English materialssuch as song and radio streaming to improve their speaking ability. It was proved from data collection that18 out of 22 students chose English movie, song andradio streaming as the instructional medium in learning English. There are several factors that influences students cannot speak Englishwell which are inadequate school because lack of facilities, incompetent teacher,out of date teaching method and instructional medium also their environment.These factors have a great effect to students speaking ability. In addition,inadequate school will a little bit hard to make their students to be competencestudents. Instead, adequate school will easier to make their students to be goodstudents because they will provide complete facilities such as language laboratoryand auditorium to increase students’ skill especially in English speaking. As statedin Blincoe (2008) the effect that adequate or inadequate school facilities may haveon student achievement. Edwards, 1991; Cash, 1993; Earthman et al, 1996; Hines,1996; Lanham, 1999; Lewis, 2000) as cited in Blincoe (2008) found that eachresearcher found a significant difference in the achievement scores of students inpoor buildings (inadequate) and in good buildings (adequate). Besides, teacherwho has a good competence also needed by the students to gain their skill becausecompetence teacher will know how to handle it and use new teaching method andan appropriate instructional medium to teach their students especially in speakingEnglish. Moreover, student environment is one of the important factors to theirspeaking ability. English is a foreign language for them and they tend to use theirfirst language when they meet their friends so it is a little bit hard for students tospeak English fluently. There are some solutions that can be conducted so the students are moreactive in speaking activity. It is through interesting teaching method and medium.Just like in the previous study that conducted by Kayaoglu, Akbas and Ozturk(2011). They develop animation for EFL learner especially in vocabulary mastery.The animation that they develop uses an animation to present the word and it isassume that makes the students more focused and on the words because it is eyecatching and easy to understand. This animation should be enjoyed and fun. Theyconduct this research because they assume that it is not easy to memorize a largeamount of vocabulary especially for EFL students. It is relatively difficult to learn new words, to keep in mind and to recall them when needed. They also havestated that with the help of innovative teaching method and materials by usingmultimedia, language learning situation can be more colorful, motivating and canbe supporting the students in the learning process. Related to statement of the problem, the purpose of this study is producing an instructional medium for speaking activity. The material is about narrative based on the junior high school’s syllabus curriculum of 2013. Narrative silent animation is in the form of computer application. The researcher provides silent animation so the students become a narrator of the story. The researcher expects that the medium will be fun and be able to build students’ confidence to speak English because this medium packed on computer application and students do not face the audience directly. METHOD This research was adapted from research and development model designby Borg and Gall (1983). The steps of the procedures includes 1) research andinformation collecting, 2) develop primary form of product, 3) expert validation,4) product revision, 5) field testing 6) second product revision 7) final product. In the first step, the researcher distributed questionnaire to the students andhaving an interview with the English teacher Research and information collectingor need analysis is important stage in the research and development study becausethe researcher can identify and analyze the difficulties that had been faced by thestudents so the researcher can help them by making an appropriate instructionalmedium. The research and information collecting stage began at BSS Junior HighSchool Malang. First, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the studentsof eighth grader. Twenty-two students participated in answering the questionnaire.There were 16 questions which had to be answered by the students. Tenquestionnaires were in the form of open-ended questions so the students cananswer freely according to their experience. Also there were six questions in the form of multiple choice in which the students were allowed to choose more thanone answer. In addition, the researcher also conducted an interview with the teacher.This interview intended to get the information about teaching method andinstructional media that the teacher uses in the class, the students’ characteristic,and the teaching and learning problem that the teacher had faced, and theteacher’s opinion about the idea of developing an instructional medium forspeaking that would be developed by the researcher. The researcher presented 12questions to the teachers which are; (1) educational background, (2) experience ofteaching, (3) teaching frequency (4) teacher’s effort in teaching, (5) the media thatthe teacher’s used. The next step was about develop primary form of product. The firststeps were included into preparation process before the product was developedwhich are reviewed the existing materials, syllabus and the researcher chose atopic from basic competence which was suitable with the speaking skill. Theresearcher chose narrative as the material to develop the application. The next is product development process. The researcher selects and develops thenarrative animation video that appropriate with the material that be taught andsuitable for the eighth grader students of Junior High School. Here the researcherselects the video animation from YouTube and developed by the researcher itself.Then, the researcher continued to the next step which is designing the application.The researcher designs the application as simple as possible to facilitate thestudents when they use the medium in the class. After all the process wereachieved, and then compile all of the content of the product. The product wasready to be validated by the expert and teacher. The product primary developmentmapping is presented in following figure 1 The product was evaluated by expert and the teacher. This was an important Product Development Preparation Development Development Review of the syllabus Choose the basic competence competencecococompetence step that should be done by the researcher so that the product works flawlessly.The purpose of expert validation was to analyze the weaknesses and strength thatoccur in this product before being implemented in the class as an instructionalspeaking medium and the results are used as a basis for reducing the constraintsfor the next purpose. Then, continued into product revision. The revision was conducted byanalyzing the weaknesses of the product. The revision was based on thequestionnaire about the product. The questionnaires cover the effectiveness,attractiveness, and level of difficulty of the product. The effectiveness concernshow effective the product could help the students to improve their speakingability. The attractiveness deals with the design of the product as instructionalspeaking medium. Whereas, the level of difficulty was related to the materials of Choose the topic Select animation from YouTube Develop animation Design the application the product whether it was too easy or not. The results of the try out wereconsidered in the revision so that it would help improve the product. The try-out of the product was intended to know how effective the productwas, the efficiency, and the suitability toward the target students. The purpose ofthis step was to ensure whether the product has attained the criteria decided beforeor not. The try-out was carried-out by the students. In the try-out the researcherchose eighth as a sample represent twenty two students in the class. The studentsshould face computer to use the application and the researcher give instructionhow to use the application. First the researcher asked the students to watch silentanimation video which is prepared by the researcher. Then, the students are askedto make a draft of the story to help them tell the story before recording their voiceto be a narrator of the silent animation video. After that, the researcher asked tothe students to record their voice in twice, first record for trial and the secondrecord for further analysis. FINDINGS The instruments were used to collect the data which are questionnaire inneed analysis, expert validation and during try-out. The results of need analysis described into two kinds. First, the resultdescribed from the students’ questionnaire. Second, the result described from theEnglish teachers’ interview. Based on the students’ questionnaire, 13 out of 22(59%) the students have a basic of English because the students had alreadylearned English since they were in kindergarten, and 9 out of 22 (40%) studentsbegan learning English in the elementary school. 17 out of 22 students stated thatthey do not like English subject because it was difficult subject for them but 20out of 22 (90%) still interested to learn speaking English because some of themsaid that speaking skill was important to them in their future. Then, about whatwas kind of method or an instructional media that the students used in the class.20 out of 22 (90%) students stated that the teacher usually asked them to role playto practice speaking English. 19 out of 22 students stated that one of the problemsthat they faced was about the lack of their confident to practice speaking in front of their friends. The students chose watching English movie, song to encouragethem to learn English. All of the students would be happy when computerapplication offered to be used as an instructional speaking medium. Theresearcher asked the teacher about the teacher’s effort in teaching English such aswhat kind of media that the teacher used to support English learning activities.The teacher answered that he only used power point and textbook. Dealing withthe method that the teacher used in teaching speaking, the teacher required thestudents to speak English with their friend and the students were allowed to mixEnglish with Indonesian language if they did not the vocabulary. The strength ofthe method that the teacher used was to encourage the students to practicespeaking English. From the result of the expert and teacher validation, both of the validatorsgave different point of the product, different comments and suggestion. The totalscore of the product that was given by the expert was about 72% while from theteacher validator the total score of the product was about 81%. There were 3aspects in the operating how to use the application. The first aspect that will beassessed was about the command how to use the application. Second criterion wasabout the design of application, third criterion deals with the design of animationvideo and the last criterion was about the pedagogy of the product. The revision was only based on the expert comments and suggestion.Through the result of the expert validation, the expert gave comment on operation,design of application, design of animation and pedagogy of the product but theexpert only gave suggestion on the language aspect. The expert advised to changethe language of the application from English into Indonesia. The expert assumedthat the students would confuse when the application using English. Therefore theresearcher was asked to make guide book about how to use the application. Theproduct primary development mapping is presented in following figure DISCUSSION The purpose of this study, as mentioned in the first chapter is to develop aprototype of “Narrative Silent Animation” (NISAN) as an instructional medium toteach speaking for eighth graders of junior high school. It was based on basiccompetence 3.14 and 4.18 of grade eighth as stated in junior high school’ssyllabus curriculum of 2013 which is “Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif berbentuk fabel, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya” and “Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan dan tulis, berbentukfabel pendek dan sederhana penggunaannya”. The product was developed to bean interesting and helpful medium in order to help increased the studentsconfident and motivate to speak English. During the try-out which is conducted in VIII E of BSS Junior HighSchool Malang, the students were enthusiastic while using the application. Theyseemed confident practicing speaking English through the application. Thestudents also gave statement that the application was interesting to be used as aspeaking instructional medium because they never use computer application suchas “NISAN” as medium in the class. The teacher also gave opinion that theapplication was helpful for students who do not have enough confidence topractice English conversation in front of their friends. In addition, the teacher alsosaid that nowadays technology has important role toward education for themedium to learn not only to use textbooks. As stated by Russell, Lowther, andSmaldino (2011:4) the role of teachers and students were changing because of theinfluence of technology in the classroom. The technology here means usinggadget such as computer.Teachers and textbooks were no longer a source of all information. Technology and media have a lot of contribute to learning andteaching if the teacher-centered teaching, technology and media used to supportteaching presentation. In addition, if a student-centered teaching, the students arethe main users of technology and media supported by Russell, Lowther, andSmaldino (2011:14). It can be a challenge for a teacher in class to find the righttechnology and media for learning in class so the teachers should considereverything related to the students who will be the target. Teacher should know theproblems that faced by students so the media that would be developed by teachercould solve the problems. It is supported by Russell, Lowther, and Smaldino(2011:14) that technology which is designed carefully can make independentstudy more effective. When the students were using the application, the researcher observed thestudents’ activity then concluded the application could help them to learnspeaking English because the students seemed enjoy and they could dig up theirpotential while using the application. As stated in government regulation number81a 2013 in learning strategy stated that the teaching and learning processcentered to the students. The teachers were asked to provide students’ chance todevelop their knowledge and skill that was needed by their self and society. Theteacher should help the students by provide self-study instructional medium. CONCLUSIONSIn this study, the researcher has created a product as a learning mediumspeaking. The product was in the form of the computer application. The name ofthe application was NISAN. It was the acronym that represents the material thatcovered by the application. The media was developed by considering the basiccompetence 3.14 and 4.18 of grade eighth as stated in junior high school’ssyllabus curriculum of 2013. The researcher prepared the narrative silentanimation video and the students became the dub of the story. After the studentshave installed the application to computer then the students should input the videointo the application. Then, the application was ready to be used as a speakingmedium. From the implementation of the product showed the positive effect from