Sintesis Kopoli(Anetol-DVB) Sulfonat sebagai Bahan Alternatif Resin Penukar Kation

Main Author: Handayani, Desi Suci
Terbitan: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) , 2010
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  • A synthesis of copolymer anethole-divinylbenzene (DVB) by cationic polymerization followed H'ith suljonation reaction has been done. The aim of this research is 10 synthesize of copolymer as cation exchange resin. Cationic copolymerization ofanethole-DVB was done by using BFJO(CzHJh catalyst, without medium and under nitrogen atmosphere condition. Suljonation reaction was done by HzS04 reagent andAgzS04 catalyst. The structural prediction of the synthesis yield was done by functional groups analysis with FTIR spectrophotometer. while characterization ofcopolymer was done by thermal analysis using DTA (Differencial Thermal Analysis). The relative molecular weight of copolymer was determined by viscometry method The copolymer tested as cation exchange resin by exchanging iT (SO]H group) with cd+ in a column. The level of cationic exchanging capacity of copoly(anethole-DVB) suljonat resin was determined by measuring the Ca2 + that replace iT at resin using AAS. Result of copolymerization of anethole-DVB was moon green coloured solid with relative molecular weight equal to 24,789 g/mole. Result ofsuljonation was purple colored solid Result ofDTA analysis showed that degradation of copoly(anethole-DVB) begin at 550°C, while degradation of copoly(anethole-DVB) suljonate begin at 840 DC. AAS analysis showed the exchanging capacity of copoly(anethole-DVB) sulfonate equal to 296.756 meq cd+ ion/g ofcopolymer.