IMPLEMENTASI PERATURAN PEMERINTAH NOMOR 28 TAHUN 2012 TENTANG KEARSIPAN (studi pada pengelolaan arsip dinamis di kantor Kecamatan Cipocok Jaya Kota Serang)

Main Authors: Adriansyah, Muhammad, Dirlanudin, Dirlanudin, Supriadi, Oman
Format: Thesis NonPeerReviewed Book
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: , 2018
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Muhammad Adriansyah, 6661111347. 2018 thesis. Implementation of Government Regulation no. 28 Year 2012 About Filing (Study On Dynamic Archive Management in Cipocok Jaya District Office of Serang City). Study Program of Public Administration Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Supervisor I: Dr. Dirlanudin, M.Si. Supervisor II: Drs. Oman Supriyadi, M.Si. Keywords: Archive, District, Implementation The enactment of PP no. 28 Year 2012 on Archives that took the locus at the Office District Cipocok Jaya on the implementation is still not maximized. Problems encountered in the field such as archive management is still not maximal, archives that have not been arranged neatly, educational background of employees who have not in accordance with the field of filing, and limited facilities and infrastructure that support the management is still not good. To study the problem, the researcher uses public policy implementation theory according to Van Meter and Van Horn. The purpose of this study to determine the implementation of these policies and what factors are inhibiting its implementation. This research uses descriptive qualitative method and researcher act as research instrument. The data were obtained through observation, interview, and documentation study. The process of data analysis using a model proposed by Miles and Huberman. Validity testing procedure is done by triangulation and holding member check. The results showed that the implementation of Government Regulation no. 28 of 2012 on Archives is still not maximized due to lack of competence possessed by employees in the District Office of Cipocok Jaya about Archives, in addition, the absence of employees who have background in the archive and the lack of good facilities and infrastructure to support the management for better and regular.