Pelaksanaan pendidikan agama pada SD-LB B Sidakarya Kota Denpasar

Main Author: Taruna, Mulyani Mudis
Format: Article
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  • The research on the implementation of religious education was conducted at the SD Luar Biasa Part B [SD-LB B] Sidakarya Denpasar, Bali Province. The result of this study indicate that the religious education implementation at the SD-LB B Sidakarya is still less attention. It can be seen from the teaching materials that still use the public scholl textbook and there is no RPP or specialized reference books for SD-LB B, religious teachers concerns to a religion teacher. The supporting factors in the process of learning is good spirit for student availability of calssrooms, school infrastructure and the location is not far from the student environment. The problem inhibiting in the learning process is the lack of teaching tools, no specific reference books for deaf and dumb there isnt good attantion for religous teaching is still not getting the attention of the series.ifa.