Pembuatan Biodiesel Dari Minyak Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas ) Menggunakan Katalis Koh 4 % Dengan Variasi Lama Reaksi 2 ; 4 Dan 6 Jam

Main Author: Sitorus, Parlindungan
Other Authors: Situmorang, Marhaposan, Bangun, Nimpan
Format: Masters
Bahasa: ind
Online Access:
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  • Petroleum fuel is one of especial source energy used a lot of state world in this time. Human need for energy sources in the form of fuel increasing, along with its use in industrial area and transportation, so that push needing of new alternative source energy. Plant oil represent the potential substance as new source energy to yield the ester methyl (biodiesel) as substitution of diesel oil. This research use the jatropha curcas oil as raw material. Transesterification is one of the appropriate chemical reaction for the making of biodiesel, this reaction constructively base catalyzed. KOH catalyst used in transesterification reaction the Jatropha curcas oil (Jatropha curcas) for the making of biodiesel. This oil the high free fatty acid contain, with the free fatty acid contents 7,78 % have potency to generate the peripheral reaction that is lathering. Proces transesterification conducted with ratio of molar Jatropha curcas oil to the solvent is 1 : 6, amount of KOH base catalyzed 4 % from oil weight, temperature reaction made remain to 65oC, and time variation reaction start from 2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours. Condensation yielded neutralized use the HCL acid, then enhanced n-heksan and cleaned by aquadest. Flake contain the methyl ester (FAME) and substratum of gliserol and methanol is remainder and other pollutant. Flake in funnel apart to contain the FAME enhanced by Na2SO4 anhidrous and hushed during 3 hours, condensation filtered then vacuum destilation, deliberated residual. From 500 gr of jatropha curcas oil transesterification, during 2 hours, 4 hours, and 6 hours obtained FAME conversion 68,31%, 74,03%, 75,75%. Physical propertis and chemical properties and biodiesel obtained from transesterification reaction with time reaction 2 hours; 4 hours and 6 hours of each : flash point 40 oC; 35oC ;35 oC water rate 0,978% ; 0,7033%; 0,1014% cloud point 6 oC ; 8 oC ; 1,75 oC viscositas 8,58 cSt ; 8,98 cSt ; 5,99 cSt densitas 0,84 gr/cm3; 0,91 gr/cm3 ; 0,88 gr/cm3 jodium number 67.03 mg/g; 67,09 mg/g, 67,57 mg/g. Longer time reaction more obtained ester methyl conversion, and from examination nature of physical properties show the biodiesel jatropha curcas oil generation usable fence as one of alternative of substitution of fuel of diesel fuel substitution.
  • 097026004