Penyuluhan pengelolaan sampah dengan metode 3r dan ecobrick di Desa Gadingkembar

Main Author: Rasmuin, Rasmuin
Format: Community Service NonPeerReviewed Book
Bahasa: ind
Terbitan: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam
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Daftar Isi:
  • Health is one of the main factors in the realization of a prosperous society. Therefore, improving the quality of public health is crucial. One of the efforts made is to create a clean environment and free from rubbish. From the survey, it is found that various diseases attack residents and the condition of garbage disposal sites are of concern. The lack of public awareness of the community, especially those related to waste, is one of the focuses of the program of KKM UIN Mengabdi 2019 in Gadingkembar Village. The purpose of this activity is to increase people's knowledge and understanding to have high awareness and self-potential to maintain health through waste management. The results of this activity indicate an increase in knowledge and understanding of Posyandu’s participants and elementary school children on the management of waste around their respective neighborhoods.