Cartoon Film Towards Vocabulary Mastery

Main Authors: Suryani, Dewi, Volina, Sri Agus
Format: Article application/pdf Journal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Universitas Islam Riau , 2015
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • This research is an experimental research, with two variables: independent and dependent variables. The independent variables is using cartoon film entitled “world adventure” with the topic of animal, transportation, nature and the environment; and dependent variable is the students vocabulary. The population of this research was 40 students of the fifth year students of SDN 006 Sorek dua Kabupaten Pelalawan. The writer used the oral and written test as the instrument to measure of students’ vocabulary after applying cartoon film. The writer constructed 20 items of vocabulary test to measure their vocabulary as both in the pre-test and post-test. After collecting the data, it can be seen that the score post-test is 87. We can see that the difference increase, compared to the initial score from the pre-test which is 71. If we calculated based on the difference, the increase is 16 point (16%). From the result, we may say that there is a real increase in the use of cartoon film in teaching vocabulary. So, the alternative hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected. Keywords : Cartoon film, English vocabulary