Psychological Factors That Hinder Students From Speaking In English

Main Authors: Elia, Fitra, Irianti, Dewi
Format: Article application/pdf Journal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Universitas Islam Riau , 2015
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  • Psychological factors are the mental factors that help or hinder students for making 'frame of mind' to perform thing well. The study aims to find out psychological factors that hinder students from speaking in English class and causes of the factors as well as the possible solution to overcome the factors. English is not easy to be able master a foreign language, English is a second language which is certainly difficult to understand for people in Indonesia. So there are some factors that can hinder them from speaking. They are fear of making mistake, shyness, anxiety, lack of confidence, and lack of motivation. This study has three instruments. They are observation, questionnaire, and interview. Observation used to observed students participation of speaking English in the classroom, questionnaires were addressed to the respondents to get their responses in a form of written data, and the interview was conducted to gain further information about psychological factors that hinder students from speaking and the causes of the factors as well as the solutions to overcome the factors. Total of population are 319 students. In this research, the writer chose all classes and chose 7 students as a representative from each class. So, the samples consist of 63 students. The observation result shown that the first year students at SMAN 10 Pekanbaru are active enough in participating of speaking English in the classroom with percentage 32%. The result from questionnaire shown that fear of mistake is the highest percentage as psychological factors that hinder students from speaking in with percentage 38%. This finding suggests that the teacher should be more aware of their students’ hindrance to speak in English class. Keywords : Psychological factors, speaking