Akseptabilitas Bidan terhadap Implementasi Kebijakan Jaminan Persalinan di Kabupaten Mojokerto (Midwife Acceptability in Implementation of Labor Warranty Policy in the District Mojokerto)

Format: Book
Terbitan: Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat , 2013
Online Access: http://perpustakaan.litbang.depkes.go.id/ucs/index.php?p=show_detail&id=20897
Daftar Isi:
  • The existence of midwive as the Jampersal main guard so important. Midwive acceptability has become Jampersal issue’s at district level, then the reason is enough to do a policy analysis of Jampersal. It is important to ensure successful implementation in the field, so the aim of improving access to maternal and child health services, as well as further reduction of MMR and IMR can be achieved. This study aimed to analyze the midwifes acceptability to the implementation of Jampersal in Mojokerto regency.This research is observational study. This study is also the policy analysis research on policy implementation stage. Policy research is classified as an ‘analysis of policy’. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions with the data obtained from the field actors. Content analysis is done by analyzing the acceptability of thematically based midwives in Mojokerto regency to the Jampersal membership, benefit package, accountability, and the tariff. Research shows that midwives most accept to the Jampersal accountability. It is perceived more easily than other health financing. For the acceptability of the benefit package and the tariff, midwives could still accept although with little objection. For Jampersal membership, most midwives still objected to the Jampersal membership models. It needs to be disseminated to a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of the Jampersal philosophy.Socialization is also able to explain what the background of every detail measures taken, including what makes the midwife objected.Key words: jampersal, midwife acceptability, policy implementation
  • 9p