Kejadian Malaria Ibu hamil pada High INcidence Area di Kabupaten Nias, 2005

Format: Book
Terbitan: PT. Grafiti Medika Pres , 2008
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  • Malaria is public health problem which very serious for pregnant women. Pregnant women is more exposed to malaria infection compared with non-pregnant women. Pregnant womenmalaria prevalence on world estimated 10%-65%. Pregnant women on epdemic area in the world estimated more than 23 million people. Malaria danger on pregnant women beside can corrupt mother’s health such s anemia, heavy malaria toward death, also infant miscarriage, infant death, low birth weight, and atcetera. Pregnant women malaria prevalence on Indonesia had not been detected because of information and research limitation. This research s aim is to describe malaria proportion on pregnant women and influence factors on high incidence area and medium incidence are and medium incidence are in Nias district year 2005. This research using cross-sectional design with primer data, conducted in ay til June 2005. Research sample is pregnant woen which in the last month never been drinking anti-malaria medicine. Sample quality 440 people pregnant women each 220 people on high incidence area and 220 people on medium incidence area. Sample was taken by multistage random sampling Analysis was conducted to describe proportion and malaria determinant factor on eah area. Research variable are malaria itself, gravidity, parity, pregnancy age, mother’s age, occupation, knowledge about malaria, usage of insect killer and closed outfit. Proportion malaria on pregnant women I HIA was 36.36%; MIA 31.36%; and HIA+MIA 33.86% and pregnant women that suffer clinics symptom for the last month in HIA 10.90% and MIA 35.45%. First pregnancy proportion and suffer malaria in HIA was 4.28%. First pregnancy proportion and suffer malaria in HIA was 48.28%; while on MIA was 47.80%. One (1) parity proportion and suffer malaria on HIA was 44.64% while an MIA was 48%. Pregnancy age proportion 14 27 weeks on HIA was 4.76%; while on MIA was 31.07%. Pregnant woment under 20 year old and suffer from malaria 31.25%. while on MIA was 30.77%. Pregnant women that work outside house and suffer from malaria on HIA was 39.33%, while on MIA was 32.31%. Pregnant other that rarely or not using insect killer and suffer from malaria n HIA 44.64% and 37.93%, while on MIA was 40.74% and 37.04%. Pregant women that not or rarely using closed outfit and suffer from malaria on HIA was 48.68% and 33.85%, while on MIA was 38.18% and 34.78%. Malaria on pregnant women in high incidence area and medium incidence area no relation signifikant. Malaria determinant factor on pregnant women are gravidity, knowledge about the danger of malaria for pregnant women, usage of insect killer and closed outfit.
  • 7p.