LEMBAR HASIL PENILAIAN PEER REVIEW JURNAL "Effectiveness of three-dimension methods for waste selection behaviour children's of the Alquran mosque education park Jabal Nur in Pajangan Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia"

Main Authors: Nur Fadhila, Zulfa, Herawati, Lucky, Suwerda, Bambang, Nuryunarsih, Desy
Format: Lainnya NonPeerReviewed Book
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Reviewer 1: Prof. Dr. Jenny Sunaryani; Reviwer 2: Prof. Dr. Yohana , 2020
Online Access: http://eprints.poltekkesjogja.ac.id/4797/1/Scan%20Lb%20Peer%20Jurnal%20Three%20Demn.pdf