(Descriptive Study About Hardiness of The Teachers in SLB Bina Anugrah Lembang)

Main Authors: Lestari, Rajab Cipta, Hatta, Muhammad Ilmi
Other Authors: M Ilmi Hatta, Fakultas Psikologi UNISBA
Format: Article info Bachelors Descriptive Study application/pdf
Bahasa: ind
Terbitan: Universitas Islam Bandung , 2016
Online Access: http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/3615
ctrlnum 123456789-6000
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><title>(Descriptive Study About Hardiness of The Teachers in SLB Bina Anugrah Lembang)</title><title>Studi Deskriptif mengenai Hardiness pada Guru di SLB Bina Anugrah Lembang</title><creator>Lestari, Rajab Cipta</creator><creator>Hatta, Muhammad Ilmi</creator><contributor/><contributor>M Ilmi Hatta, Fakultas Psikologi UNISBA</contributor><subject>Proceedings of Psychology</subject><subject>SLB teachers, hardiness, aspects hardiness</subject><subject>psikologi</subject><subject>guru SLB, hardiness, aspek hardiness</subject><description>Work as a teacher SLB is a job that is susceptible to stress. The workload of teachers who felt that dealing with children with special needs and demands of parents. Sources of stress felt by the teachers are divided into three physical, psychological, and social. In addition to these three things are the internal state such as the ability of teachers, and external conflict that such households. SLB Bina Anugrah Lembang, has 10 teachers and every teacher has a dual role in the classroom and outside the classroom. In class that is taught, and outside the classroom the teachers there being the curriculum, student affairs, public relations, the operator of the school, and skills. It is not easy to do, therefore, may cause the possibility of stress. Combating stress can do them with hardiness, the hardiness is a positive orientation to help a person's life in order to remain healthy despite being on the circumstances under pressure (Kobasa, 1984). Hardiness consists of three aspects, commitment, control and challenge. The usefulness of this research into a reference for prospective special school teachers about what should be owned by a teacher SLB. The method used was a descriptive study, with a number of subjects 9 teachers. Measuring tool using HS-Short form (hardiness scale) based on Bartone which is the development of the theory of Suzanne hardiness. O. Kobasa, the reliability of the measuring instrument 0.891. The results showed that teachers SLB Bina Anugrah have a high level of hardiness that is 100%, and 100% commitment aspects, control 88.89% and 100% challenge.?? ??</description><description>Pekerjaan menjadi guru SLB merupakan pekerjaan yang rentan terhadap stress. Beban kerja guru yang dirasakan yakni menghadapi anak berkebutuhan khusus dan tuntutan dari orang tua murid. Sumber stress yang dirasakan oleh guru terbagi menjadi tiga fisik, psikologis, dan sosial. Selain ketiga hal tersebut terdapat keadaan internal yakni seperti kemampuan guru, dan eksternal yakni seperti konflik rumah-tangga. SLB Bina Anugrah Lembang, memiliki 10 guru dan setiap guru memiliki peran ganda di dalam kelas dan di luar kelas. Di dalam kelas yakni mengajar, dan di luar kelas para guru ada yang menjadi kurikulum, kesiswaan, humas, operator sekolah, dan keterampilan. Hal tersebut tidak mudah dilakukan, oleh sebab itu dapat menyebabkan kemungkinan terjadinya stress. Penanggulangan stress dapat dilakukan diantaranya dengan hardiness, hardiness adalah orientasi positif untuk membantu ??kehidupan seseorang agar tetap sehat walau berada pada keadaan di bawah tekanan (Kobasa, 1984). Hardiness terdiri dari tiga aspek yakni commitment, control, dan challenge. Kegunaan dari penelitian ini menjadi acuan bagi calon guru SLB mengenai apa yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru SLB. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi deskriptif, dengan jumlah subjek 9 guru. Alat ukur menggunakan HS-Short form (Hardiness Scale) berdasarkan pada Bartone yang merupakan pengembangan dari teori hardiness Suzanne. O. Kobasa, reliabilitas alat ukur 0,891. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para guru SLB Bina Anugrah memiliki tingkat hardiness yang tinggi yakni 100%, dan aspek commitment 100%, control 88,89% dan challenge 100%.</description><date>2016-08-10</date><date>2016-12-13T01:29:45Z</date><date>2016-12-13T01:29:45Z</date><type>Journal:Article</type><type>Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion</type><type>Journal:Article</type><type>Thesis:Bachelors</type><type>Other:Descriptive Study</type><identifier>http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/3615</identifier><identifier>http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/3615</identifier><language>ind</language><relation>http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/3615/pdf</relation><rights>##submission.copyrightStatement##</rights><type>File:application/pdf</type><publisher>Universitas Islam Bandung</publisher><source>Prosiding Psikologi; Psikologi (Gel 2 Th Akad 2015-2016); 443-446</source><source>2460-6448</source><recordID>123456789-6000</recordID></dc>
language ind
format Journal:Article
Other:Descriptive Study
author Lestari, Rajab Cipta
Hatta, Muhammad Ilmi
author2 M Ilmi Hatta, Fakultas Psikologi UNISBA
title (Descriptive Study About Hardiness of The Teachers in SLB Bina Anugrah Lembang)
publisher Universitas Islam Bandung
publishDate 2016
topic Proceedings of Psychology
SLB teachers
aspects hardiness
guru SLB
aspek hardiness
url http://karyailmiah.unisba.ac.id/index.php/psikologi/article/view/3615
contents Work as a teacher SLB is a job that is susceptible to stress. The workload of teachers who felt that dealing with children with special needs and demands of parents. Sources of stress felt by the teachers are divided into three physical, psychological, and social. In addition to these three things are the internal state such as the ability of teachers, and external conflict that such households. SLB Bina Anugrah Lembang, has 10 teachers and every teacher has a dual role in the classroom and outside the classroom. In class that is taught, and outside the classroom the teachers there being the curriculum, student affairs, public relations, the operator of the school, and skills. It is not easy to do, therefore, may cause the possibility of stress. Combating stress can do them with hardiness, the hardiness is a positive orientation to help a person's life in order to remain healthy despite being on the circumstances under pressure (Kobasa, 1984). Hardiness consists of three aspects, commitment, control and challenge. The usefulness of this research into a reference for prospective special school teachers about what should be owned by a teacher SLB. The method used was a descriptive study, with a number of subjects 9 teachers. Measuring tool using HS-Short form (hardiness scale) based on Bartone which is the development of the theory of Suzanne hardiness. O. Kobasa, the reliability of the measuring instrument 0.891. The results showed that teachers SLB Bina Anugrah have a high level of hardiness that is 100%, and 100% commitment aspects, control 88.89% and 100% challenge.?? ??
Pekerjaan menjadi guru SLB merupakan pekerjaan yang rentan terhadap stress. Beban kerja guru yang dirasakan yakni menghadapi anak berkebutuhan khusus dan tuntutan dari orang tua murid. Sumber stress yang dirasakan oleh guru terbagi menjadi tiga fisik, psikologis, dan sosial. Selain ketiga hal tersebut terdapat keadaan internal yakni seperti kemampuan guru, dan eksternal yakni seperti konflik rumah-tangga. SLB Bina Anugrah Lembang, memiliki 10 guru dan setiap guru memiliki peran ganda di dalam kelas dan di luar kelas. Di dalam kelas yakni mengajar, dan di luar kelas para guru ada yang menjadi kurikulum, kesiswaan, humas, operator sekolah, dan keterampilan. Hal tersebut tidak mudah dilakukan, oleh sebab itu dapat menyebabkan kemungkinan terjadinya stress. Penanggulangan stress dapat dilakukan diantaranya dengan hardiness, hardiness adalah orientasi positif untuk membantu ??kehidupan seseorang agar tetap sehat walau berada pada keadaan di bawah tekanan (Kobasa, 1984). Hardiness terdiri dari tiga aspek yakni commitment, control, dan challenge. Kegunaan dari penelitian ini menjadi acuan bagi calon guru SLB mengenai apa yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru SLB. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi deskriptif, dengan jumlah subjek 9 guru. Alat ukur menggunakan HS-Short form (Hardiness Scale) berdasarkan pada Bartone yang merupakan pengembangan dari teori hardiness Suzanne. O. Kobasa, reliabilitas alat ukur 0,891. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para guru SLB Bina Anugrah memiliki tingkat hardiness yang tinggi yakni 100%, dan aspek commitment 100%, control 88,89% dan challenge 100%.
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collection Repository Universitas Islam Bandung
repository_id 4254
subject_area Islam/Agama Islam
Islam and Social Sciences/Islam dan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
Econmics/Ilmu Ekonomi
Medicine and Health/Ilmu Kedokteran, Ilmu Pengobatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan
province JAWA BARAT
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first_indexed 2019-04-03T08:32:02Z
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