Main Authors: Sitorus, Tulus Irpan Harsono; Badan SAR Nasional, Sony, Imam; Badan Litbang Perhubungan, Sihombing, Sarinah; STMT Trisakti
Format: Article info application/pdf Journal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: STMT Trisakti , 2016
Online Access: http://library.stmt-trisakti.ac.id/jurnal/index.php/JMBTL/article/view/84
Daftar Isi:
  • In the last 10 years, the practice of logistics in the industry changing very remarkable. Globalcompetition in the market of products and services to encourage the diversity of products tomeet the needs of market segments are also diverse, high standard of product quality, timelydelivery of goods is very dependent on the condition of public infrastructure provided by thegovernment of a country. As a result, the demands of efficiency in higher logistics activities,including the level of security quality, safety and service. The lack of infrastructure support andthe absence of "hub port" nationwide; poor management of interconnection or intermodalsystem between port infrastructure, transportation and warehousing as well as lower networkcapability, information technology led to the position of Indonesia is low in terms of competitionand the logistics performance index compared with many countries in dunia.Tujuan research isto formulate the concept of multimodal transport role in realizing the Vision Logistics Indonesia2025. The data was collected through a literature review, research results, and related scientificpublications. The analysis uses qualitative descriptive approach, as well as to evaluate thepublic policy analysis to formulate the concept of multimodal transport role in realizing thevision of Indonesian Logistics 2025. The results are realizing the integration of the logisticssystem and increasing the role of multimodal transport, building a logistic center, to be able torealize the logistics system connectivity national.