Creating spatial information infrastructures: towards the spatial semantic web

Main Authors: Peter van Dosterom, Sisi Zlatanova
Format: Book
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: CRC Press , 2008
Online Access:
ctrlnum slims-1073
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><title>Creating spatial information infrastructures: towards the spatial semantic web</title><creator>Peter van Dosterom</creator><creator>Sisi Zlatanova</creator><subject>Perpustakaan</subject><publisher>CRC Press</publisher><date>2008</date><language>eng</language><type>Book:Book</type><identifier>;id=1073</identifier><identifier>978-1-4200-7068-2</identifier><description>Creating Spatial Information Infrastructure (SII) present solutions to nthe problems preventing the launch of a truly effective SII. Leading experts in SII development present a complete overview of SII, including user and application needs, theoretical and technological foundations, and examples of realized working SIIs. The book includes semantics applications in each discussion and explains their inportance to the future of geo-information standardization. Offering practical solutions to technical and technical obstacles, this book provides the tools needed to take the next step toward a working semantic web-one thet will revolutionize the way the world accesses and utilizes spatial information. Features : - Reflects recent initiatives in Europe and the Unoited States to develop a rich set of standards, including the US DHS Geospatial Data Model. - Addressess nontechnical aspects such as legal and organizational issues, copyrihhts, pricing policies and access rights. - Provides technical solutionjs for making metadata available via registry services. - Emphasizes semantic aspects of the spatial information infrastructure throughout all of the book's chapters.</description><geographic>Boca Raton</geographic><identifier></identifier><description>xxiii, 185 hlm. : illus.</description><subject>025.04</subject><recordID>slims-1073</recordID></dc>
language eng
format Book:Book
author Peter van Dosterom
Sisi Zlatanova
title Creating spatial information infrastructures: towards the spatial semantic web
publisher CRC Press
publishDate 2008
isbn 9781420070682
topic Perpustakaan
contents Creating Spatial Information Infrastructure (SII) present solutions to nthe problems preventing the launch of a truly effective SII. Leading experts in SII development present a complete overview of SII, including user and application needs, theoretical and technological foundations, and examples of realized working SIIs. The book includes semantics applications in each discussion and explains their inportance to the future of geo-information standardization. Offering practical solutions to technical and technical obstacles, this book provides the tools needed to take the next step toward a working semantic web-one thet will revolutionize the way the world accesses and utilizes spatial information. Features : - Reflects recent initiatives in Europe and the Unoited States to develop a rich set of standards, including the US DHS Geospatial Data Model. - Addressess nontechnical aspects such as legal and organizational issues, copyrihhts, pricing policies and access rights. - Provides technical solutionjs for making metadata available via registry services. - Emphasizes semantic aspects of the spatial information infrastructure throughout all of the book's chapters.
xxiii, 185 hlm. : illus.
id IOS4576.slims-1073
institution Badan Informasi Geospasial
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repository_id 4576
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