Vaccine Storage Profile in Public Health Centers in Kupang City

Main Authors: Sambara, Jefrin, Yuliani, Ni Nyoman, Lenggu, Maria, Ceme, Yohana
Format: Article info application/pdf Journal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang , 2018
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Vaccines are the main component in the implementation of immunization, to achieve the maximum goal of immunization, it is necessary to support the management and availability of vaccines in sufficient quantities, quality and on time. All vaccines are biological products that range from easily damaged funds that require special handling in its management, especially storage. Vaccine storage in health service units such as the Public Health Center must be considered carefully. This study aims to determine the profile of vaccine storage at the Oepoi Public Health Center and Kupang City Public Health Center, which were assessed from 2 assessment categories, namely the completeness of the category including the availability of storage temperature monitoring and vaccine condition categories. The type of research used in this study is descriptive research. How to collect data by direct observation and using observation sheets, then the data is processed and then narrated. From the results of this study it was found that the completeness of the facilities included the availability of monitoring of storage temperature and condition of the vaccine at the Oepoi Public Health Center and Kupang City Public Health Center were available or available except in the Oepoi Public Health Center there was no freeze tag or freeze watch and no generator. And the condition of the vaccine at the Kupang City Public Health Center and the Oepoi Public Health Center are all available or available. So the overall profile of vaccine storage at the Oepoi Public Health Center and Kupang City Public Health Center is well available
  • Vaksin merupakan komponen utama dalam pelaksanaan imunisasi, untuk mencapai tujuan imunisasi secara maksimal, maka perlu ditunjang dengan pengelolaan dan ketersediaan vaksin dalam jumlah cukup, berkualitas serta tepat waktu. Semua vaksin merupakan produk biologis yang sangat rentang dana mudah rusak sehingga memerlukan penanganan khusus dalam pengelolaannya khususnya penyimpanan. Penyimpanan vaksin di unit-unit pelayanan kesehatan seperti puskesmas harus diperhatikan dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil penyimpanan vaksin di Puskesmas Oepoi dan Puskesmas Kupang Kota, yang dinilai dari 2 kategori penilaian yaitu kategori kelengkapan sarana termasuk ketersediaan pemantauan suhu penyimpanan dan kategori kondisi vaksin. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Cara pengumpulan data dengan pengamatan secara langsung serta menggunakan lembar observasi, kemudian data diolah dan selanjutnya dinarasikan. Dari hasilpenelitian ini diperoleh bahwa kelengkapan sarana termasukketersediaan pemantau suhu penyimpanan dan kondisi vaksin di Puskesmas Oepoi dan Puskesmas Kupang Kota ada atau tersedia kecuali pada Puskesmas Oepoi tidak ada freeze tag atau freeze watch dan tidak ada generator. Dan kondisi vaksin pada Puskesmas Kupang Kota dan Puskesmas Oepoi semuanya tersedia atau ada. Jadi secara keseluruhan profil penyimpanan vaksin pada Puskesmas Oepoi dan Puskesmas Kupang Kota tersedia dengan baik.