Efektifitas Empat Perangkap Serangga Dengan Tiga Jenis Atraktan untuk Penangkapan Serangga Tanaman Pala (Myristica Fragrans) di Desa Paya Teuk (Kabupaten Aceh Selatan)

Format: Article info eJournal
Terbitan: Institut Pertanian Bogor
Online Access: http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/sumberdayahayati/article/view/11771
Daftar Isi:
  • Insect traps are now widely used to collect a broad information of insect population and pest monitoring. The use of traps for insect surveilance on nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) habitat is one of the earliest steps in this study since the information of nutmeg pest is barely available. In this study, four traps were used, namely Brown-Black Sticky Trap (BBST), Yellow Sticky Trap (YST), Glass Ambrosia Beetle Trap (GABT), and Plastic Pannel Trap (PPT). Those traps were accompanied by 35%-Ethanol, nutmeg oil, and 35%-Ethanol mixed with nutmeg oil as attractans. Traps were placed at 1,5 m high on nutmeg plants around Paya Teuk village (South Aceh). Hand sorting tehnique were used to see the presence of insect which is thought as the most important pest. The observation with 4 type of traps with 3 different attractans and water as control have captured a number of insects which include 10 ordos, 51 families, 124 genus, and 1027 individuals. However, the number of individuals from each families were varied. Five families with the most numerous individuals were Nitidulidae, Tephritidae, Cicadellidae, Formicidae and Scolitidae. Scolitidae and Tephritidae were considered as pests of nutmeg plants. Insect which belongs to Tephritidae were mostly caught by YST trap using nutmeg oil as an attractan, the number of individuals captured by this trap was significantly different (two way Annova, P<0,05) to any other combination of traps and attractans. Individuals from Nitidulidae family were mostly captured by BBST with 35% ethanol, and significantly different with the other traps (two way annova, P<0,05). Pests which acquired by hand sorting tehnique were belong to Cerambicidae and Scolitidae family, both insects were deleterious at 1-2 m height of stem and branch of the nutmeg plant.