This study aimed to learn about the implementation of collaborative management in the implementation of community-based ecotourism in the village of Citalahab- Cikaniki, Halimun Salak Mountain National Park. By using the principles of collaboration it will be seen how far the process of collaboration that have been implemented. They will also be reviewed regarding the benefits of implementing these community-based ecotourism. This study uses a qualitative approach, specially uses primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained from interviews and field observation, while the secondary data obtained from various sources such as reference books, and reports of research (thesis or a thesis) about community-based ecotourism management and collaboration. The study shows that the implementation of collaboration in community-based ecotourism program in Kampong Citalahab has run on the third phase of implementing the agreement. However, collaboration was limited to the implementation of activities only and not been held to review the deal. If the analysis by using the seven principles of collaboration put forward by Borrini-Feyerabend, et al (2000), the execution of this collaboration can be said to have fulfilled the principle of first to fifth. Benefits of collaborative management of community-based ecotourism in the Kampong Citalahab include economic benefits, social and ecological benefits

Main Author: w, Wulandari
Other Authors: This study aimed to learn about the implementation of collaborative management in the implementation of community-based ecotourism in the village of Citalahab- Cikaniki, Halimun Salak Mountain National Park. By using the principles of collaboration it will be seen how far the process of collaboration that have been implemented. They will also be reviewed regarding the benefits of implementing these community-based ecotourism. This study uses a qualitative approach, specially uses primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained from interviews and field observation, while the secondary data obtained from various sources such as reference books, and reports of research (thesis or a thesis) about community-based ecotourism management and collaboration. The study shows that the implementation of collaboration in community-based ecotourism program in Kampong Citalahab has run on the third phase of implementing the agreement. However, collaboration was limited to the implementation of activities only and not been held to review the deal. If the analysis by using the seven principles of collaboration put forward by Borrini-Feyerabend, et al (2000), the execution of this collaboration can be said to have fulfilled the principle of first to fifth. Benefits of collaborative management of community-based ecotourism in the Kampong Citalahab include economic benefits, social and ecological benefits
Format: Article info application/pdf eJournal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Departemen SKPM FEMA IPB
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