Daftar Isi:
  • ENGLISH This study aims to explore grade level and gender differences in the attitudes toward chemistry (ATC), self-efficacy (SE), and learning experiences (LE) of pre- service chemistry teachers. A total of 191 pre-service chemistry teachers were taken as the sample through cluster random sampling technique. This cross- sectional survey collected the data using CAEQ questionnaire and interview. MANOVA test was carried out to analyze the quantitative data on the significance level .05, while the qualitative data were analyzed using Patton qualitative data analysis procedure. The findings showed that: 1) the LE level of the preservice chemistry teachers was the highest compared to SE and ATC ; 2) there was a difference of ATC and SE between the freshman and sophomore groups, and there was a difference in terms of ATC between freshman and junior categories, yet no different in terms of LE based on this category; and that 3) there was no difference of ATC, SE, and LE based on gender. The results accord with the interview findings in which both male and female student teachers have positive attitudes toward learning chemistry, and there was a difference of ATC, SE, and LE between freshman, sophomore, and junior.