Mathematical Models of Forest Harvesting Maximum Fraction Determination of Allowed to Maintain Water Quantity Volume of Deposits in the Forest

Main Author: Syamsul Bahri, Syamsul Bahri
Format: Thesis NonPeerReviewed Book
Bahasa: ind
Terbitan: , 2018
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Forest is one of the natural resources that determine the lives of many people, either directly or indirectly. The issue is closely related to forests such as global warming, and water availability. Related to the issue of avilability of water, forest act as providers, safe of the water quality and water storage. Saving water in the forest is determined by several parameters for instance precipitation, evapotranspiration, and discharge water. In this paper, based on the mathematical relationship between the components mentioned above will be determined explicitly the relationship among of the fraction of the permitted maximum logging and the volume of water storage in the forest. The relationship then through simulation to provide recommendations on how much wide of the forest should be explored, but on the other hand the policy makers can control the availability of water or stored water in the forest.