Main Authors: Simanjuntak, Donnarina, Faizah, Rokhana, Prasetyo, Agus Eko, Susanto, Agus
Format: Article info application/pdf eArticle
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit , 2017
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Daftar Isi:
  • Oil palm seed is known to bring some pathogenic microbes and reduce the quality of seeds. Research aims to determine the effectiveness of fungicide active ingredients and later as a recommendation fungicide to control fungal isolates carried by oil palm seeds. Research were conducted in the Plant Protection laboratory, IOPRI business unit of Marihat, from April to October 2016. Research using descriptive analysis of seeds and seed health testing methods used consisted of visual observation of seeds and washing test. Seeds obtained from six production sites namely derpericarping, seed selection, first immersion, first winding, germination chamber, and distribution of germinated seed. The fungicides used consist of 39 different types of active ingredients. From the results of seed health testing there are three fungi carried by seeds that have been isolated, ie Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Mucor. These three fungi were further tested against 39 types of fungicides and the result there are 13 to 18 of fungicides that are effective to suppress the growth rate of the three fungi until the seventh day after the application.
  • Benih kelapa sawit diketahui dapat membawa beberapa mikroba yang bersifat patogenik dan menurunkan mutu benih. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan bahan aktif fungisida kimia dan nantinya sebagai bahan rekomendasi pengendalian cendawan terbawa benih. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Proteksi Tanaman, PPKS Unit Usaha Marihat, Sumatra Utara, pada April hingga Oktober 2016. Penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif benih dan metode pengujian kesehatan benih yang digunakan terdiri atas pengamatan visual benih kering dan teknik pencucian benih (washing test). Benih diperoleh dari 6 lokasi produksi yaitu pengupasan benih, seleksi benih, perendaman 1, penganginan 1, ruang perkecambahan, dan penyaluran benih. Fungisida yang digunakan terdiri atas 39 jenis bahan aktif yang berbeda. Dari hasil pengujian kesehatan benih terdapat tiga cendawan terbawa benih yang berhasil diisolasi yaitu Aspergillus, Penicillium, dan Mucor. Ketiga cendawan ini selanjutnya diuji terhadap 39 jenis fungisida dan hasilnya terdapat 13 sampai 18 fungisida yang efektif menekan laju pertumbuhan ketiga cendawan tersebut hingga hari ke-7 setelah aplikasi.