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  • Penelitian ini memiliki tujaun untuk secara empiris menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap brand loyalty dari merek fast fashion konsumen dengan menganalisa persepsi dan loyalitas penduduk Kota Batam terhadap fast fashion. Menggunakan pendekatan Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE), model penelitian untuk meneliti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas merek konsumen fast fashion diusulkan. Disadari bahwa perceived quality dari fast fashion, termasuk brand awareness, perceived quality, perceived value, brand personality, organizational association, dan brand uniqueness, memengaruhi brand loyalty konsumen. Data yang berjumlah 300 dari kuesioner yang telah dibagikan akan digunakan untuk pengolahan data untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi brand loyalty penduduk Kota Batam terhadap fast fashion. Hasil yang didapatkan mengungkapkan bahwa untuk penduduk Kota Batam, brand awareness, perceived value, organizational association, dan brand uniqueness adalah faktor yang berkontribusi untuk menghasilkan loyalitas konsumen terhadap merek fast fashion karena fakta bahwa fast fashion telah menjadi fitur kunci dari industri fashion dunia selama dekade terakhir. Studi ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang persepsi konsumen muda terhadap merek fast fashion dan kontribusi para faktor terhadap loyalitas merek mereka. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini memberikan bukti bahwa terdapat faktor penting seperti nilai yang dirasakan, keunikan, asosiasi, dan kesadaran sehingga bisa terciptanya brand loyalty dikarenakan faktor-faktor tersebut dapat membuat konsumen bisa setia terhadap suatu merek. ********************************************************************** This study aimed to empirically investigate the factors influencing brand loyalty of fast fashion consumer brands by analysing the perceptions and loyalties of Batam city residents towards fast fashion. Using the Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) approach, research model to examine the factors influencing the brand loyalty of fast-fashion consumers was proposed. Presumptuously, perceived quality of fast fashion, including brand awareness, perceived quality, perceived value, brand personality, organizational association, and brand uniqueness affect consumer brand loyalty. There were 300 data from the questionnaire distributed were used for data processing to investigate the factors influencing the brand loyalty of Batam city residents towards fast fashion. The results obtained reveal that for residents of Batam city, brand awareness, perceived value, organizational association, and brand uniqueness were factors contributing to generate consumer loyalty towards fast fashion brands due to the fact that fast fashion has become a key feature of the world fashion industry over the past decade. This study provides valuable insights into young consumers' perceptions of fast fashion brands and the contribution of factors to their brand loyalty. The results obtained from this study provide evidence that there are essential factors such as perceived value, uniqueness, association, and awareness with the aim of brand loyalty can be created because these factors can render consumers loyal to a brand.