Daftar Isi:
  • Agricultural industry is the industry’s long-term and largest in Indonesia, the agricultural industry is very closely associated with the use of fertilizer. Present day a trend of comsuming of organic vegetables and fruits very rapidly growing and preferred by cosumers, for it is a great opportunity to be supported by supply chain management, then the flow of supply chain management be interesting to investigate. Problems of this final issue is the policy and provisions issued by the goverment and the department that there in the goverment. PT. Saha Bhojana Paripurna strategies used during start-up company, and what things should be done by PT. Saha Bhojana Paripurna to compete in the industries of agriculture and plantations in Indonesia. Research methods used were interviews with commisioner of PT. Saha Bhojana Paripurna Indonesia and commisioner of PT. Star Chitosan Thailand as the main research object. This study primary data source receipts from respondents. The result of this study describes the advantage and barriers in the agricultural industry in Indonesia.