Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Metanol Bunga Teratai (Nymphaea pubescens Willd)

Main Authors: Khairunnisa, Amalia, Wathan, Nashrul, Fitriana, Mia, Fadlilaturrahmah, Fadlilaturrahmah, Fiddina, Nisriyati
Format: Article info application/pdf Journal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat , 2020
Online Access: https://ppjp.ulm.ac.id/journal/index.php/pharmascience/article/view/8486
Daftar Isi:
  • Nymphaea pubescens Willd telah diketahui mempunyai efek antibakteri, terutama pada biji dan daunnya. Tetapi sampai saat ini bagian bunga dari tanaman tersebut belum dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antibakteri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melakukan skrining fitokimia, uji aktivitas antibakteri dan penentuan konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM) dari ekstrak metanol bunga N. pubescens terhadap S. aureus dan E. coli. Proses ekstraksi bunga N. pubescens dimaserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol dengan perbandingan 1: 4 b/v. Metode pengujian yang digunakan ada dua yaitu metode difusi untuk pengujian aktivitas antibakteri dan metode dilusi untuk pengukuran konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM). Hasil skrining fitokimia didapatkan bahwa ekstrak metanol bunga N. pubescens mengandung senyawa golongan fenolik, saponin dan flavonoid. Hasil pengujian aktivitas antibakteri menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak metanol bunga N.pubescens mampu menghambat S. aureus (diameter hambat 10 ± 0,29 mm) dan E.coli (diameter hambat 10,2 ± 0,50 mm). Konsentrasi hambat minimum dari ekstrak metanol bunga N. pubescens terhadap S.aureus sebesar 12,5% dan terhadap E.coli sebesar 25%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak metanol bunga N. pubescens memiliki aktivitas sebagai antibakteri. Nymphaea pubescens Willd has known to have antibacterial effects, especially on the seeds and leaves. However, until now the flower of the plant has not been tested for antibacterial activity. The purpose of this study was to perform phytochemical screening, antibacterial activity test and determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the methanol extract of N. pubescens flowers against S. aureus and E. coli. The process of extracting N. pubescens flowers is macerated using methanol as a solvent with a ratio of 1: 4 w / v. There are two test methods used, namely the diffusion method for testing antibacterial activity and the dilution method for measuring the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The results of phytochemical screening showed that the methanol extract of N. pubescens flowers contained phenolic compounds, saponins, and flavonoids. The results of the antibacterial activity test showed that the methanol extract of N.pubescens flowers was able to inhibit S. aureus (inhibition diameter 10 ± 0.29 mm) and E. coli (inhibitory diameter 10.2 ± 0.50 mm). The minimum inhibitory concentration of the methanol extract of N. pubescens flowers against S.aureus was 12.5% and against E. coli was 25%. It can be concluded that the methanol extract of N. pubescens flowers has antibacterial activityKeywords: Nymphaea pubescens, lotus flower, methanol extract, antibacterial