Kajian Kualitas Briket Biomassa dari Sekam Padi dan Tempurung Kelapa

Main Authors: Qistina, Idzni, Sukandar, Dede, Trilaksono, Trilaksono
Format: Article info application/pdf eJournal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University , 2016
Online Access: http://journal.uinjkt.ac.id/index.php/valensi/article/view/4054
Daftar Isi:
  • Abstrak Biomassa seperti sekam padi dan tempurung kelapa dapat menjadi sumber bahan baku briket sebagai salah satu energi alternatif pengganti bahan bakar fosil (minyak bumi).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas briket sekam padi dan tempurung kelapa melalui proses semi-karbonisasi pada temperatur antara 50-125 0C dengan durasi waktu proses 50-120 menit. Proses pembuatan briket meliputiproses semi-karbonisasi, pencampuran biomassa dengan perekat, pencetakan, pengeringan, dan uji kualitas briket. Pengujian kualitas briket meliputi analisis briket yaitu nilai kalor, kadar air, fixed carbon, volatile matter, abu, dan analisis ultimat. Disamping itu juga dilakukan uji kuat tekan, pengukuran emisi gas, dan uji termal briket yang dihasilkan.Hasilnya menunjukkan penurunan kadar air bahan baku briket sekam padi dan tempurung kelapa membutuhkan energi masing-masing 8.54% dan 4.97% dari proses karbonisasi murni yang menghasilkan semi arang. Nilai kalor briket sekam padi maupun tempurung kelapa mengalami penurunan masing-masing 9.72% dan 7.21% jika dibandingkan dengan bahan bakunya.Gas emisi dari briket sekam padi dan tempurung kelapa yaitu gas NOx, SOx, CO, dan hidrokarbon (HC) masih di bawah baku mutu yang dipersyaratkan. Hasil uji termal briket menunjukkan efisiensi termal briket sekam lebih baik dibandingkan briket tempurung kelapa dengan nilai efisiensi masing-masing sebesar 31.13% dan 22.28%. Kata kunci: Briket sekam padi, briket tempurung kelapa, semi karbonisasi, emisi gas, efisiensi termal. Abstract Biomass energy, among others, rice husk and coconut shell can be an alternative energy source to replace fossil fuels (petroleum). This study aims to assess the quality briquettes rice husk and coconut shell with raw materials through semi-carbonization process at a temperature between 50-125 0C with a duration of 50-120 minutes of processing time. Briquetting process meliputu semi-carbonization, refining raw materials and sieving made passes restrained 30 mesh and 30 detained 50 mesh. Then do the mixing biomass with adhesive, printed, dried and tested briquette quality test. Briquette quality testing consists of the analysis of the characteristics of briquettes are calorific value, moisture content, fixed carbon, volatile matter, ash, and the ultimate analysis. Besides, it also conducted compressive strength test, the measurement of gas emission, and thermal test briquettes were produced. The results show a decrease in raw material briquettes moisture content of rice husk and coconut shell on semi karbonization process requiring respectively 8.54% and 4.97% of the energy of pure carbonization process which produces semi charcoal. Calorific value briquettes rice husk and coconut shell fell respectively 9.72% and 7.21% when compared to the raw material. The quality of biomass briquettes is based on the results of the analysis of the characteristics and compressive strength test briquettes showed that coconut shell briquettes better quality than the rice husk briquettes. Briquettes gas emissions from rice husks and coconut shells are gas NOx, SOx, CO and hydrocarbons (HC) is still below the quality standards required. The test results demonstrate the thermal efficiency of thermal briquettes rice husk briquettes for 31.13% and better than coconut shell briquettes by 22.28%. Keywords: Briquette rice husk, coconut shell briquettes, semi-carbonization, gases,thermal efficiency DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/jkv.v0i0.4054