Main Authors: afritayeni, afritayeni, Ritawani, Evis, Liwanti, Lilis
Format: Article info application/pdf eJournal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: STIKes Al-Insyirah Pekanbaru , 2019
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  • Adolescents need the nutrients that serve as a source of energy as well as play a role in the body's metabolism, including the formation of hemoglobin. Nutrient intake would be reduced to 30%, if someone skips breakfast and directly reduces the production of hemoglobin, causing anemia. The results of a preliminary survey conducted by researchers in the form of interviews and examination of hemoglobin levels obtained from 4 of 10 female students often have breakfast at home and one of them suffered from anemia, 3 female students sometimes have breakfast and do not suffer from anemia, while 3 others rarely even do not eat breakfast and 2 of them suffer from anemia. The purpose of this study determines the relationship with the morning breakfast habits with anemia onyoung girls in 20 Junior High School. The type of this research is quantitative analytical with cross sectional design. The population of young women class VII and VIII amounts to 411 people with a sample consists of 81 people. Sampleswere using simple random sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire and digital Hb checker tool. Analysis were used by unvaried and bivariate data. Results showed from 28 respondents (63%) from the 51 respondents who do not eat breakfast are anemic. There is a morning breakfast habits relationship with the incidence of anemia with p value 0.024. Teens are expected to understand the benefits of breakfast by getting up early in order to have time for breakfast either at home or schools’ canteen.  
  • Remaja membutuhkan zat gizi yang berfungsi sebagai sumber energi serta berperan dalam metabolisme tubuh termasuk pembentukan hemoglobin. Asupan zat gizi akan berkurang sebanyak 30 % jika seseorang melewatkan sarapan pagi dan secara langsung mengurangi produksi hemoglobin sehingga menyebabkan anemia. Hasil survei awal yang dilakukan dengan  pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin didapat 4 dari 10 orang siswi sering sarapan dirumah dan 1 diantaranya menderita anemia, 3 orang siswi kadang-kadang sarapan dan tidak menderita anemia,  sementara 3 orang lainnya jarang bahkan tidak pernah sarapan dan 2 diantaranya menderita anemia. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan sarapan pagi dengan kejadian anemia pada remaja putri di SMP Negeri 20 Pekanbaru. Jenis penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi remaja putri kelas VII dan VIII berjumlah 411 orang dengan sampel 81 orang. Teknik sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuisioner dan alat pengecek Hb digital. Analisa data secara  univariat  dan  bivariat.   Hasil   penelitian menunjukkan 28 responden (63 %) dari 51 responden yang tidak pernah sarapan mengalami anemia. Terdapat  hubungan  kebiasaan  sarapan  pagi dengan kejadian anemia dengan p value  0.024. Remaja diharapkan memahami manfaat sarapan dengan cara bangun lebih awal agar memiliki waktu untuk sarapan baik dirumah ataupun dikantin sekolah.