Daftar Isi:
  • This research aims to produce chemistry learning modules thermochemical which are valid, practical and effective for students of SMA Negeri 3 Tanjung Raja. This research is used the ADDIE include of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation and Tessmer formative evaluation methods that was modified. Tessmer formative stages of evaluation in the study include of Self Evaluation, Expert Review, One-to-One, Small Group, and Field Test. The instruments used in this study are the validation sheet and interview sheet. Data was collected in class XI IA SMA N 3 Tanjung Raja in the first semester of the 2015/2016 of academic year. The results of phase Expert Review based on calculations using Widoyoko scale validation pedagogic obtained a final score of 3.57 (very valid), the content is 3.56 (very valid), and design 2.80 (valid). The results of phase One-to-One is based on a scale of Widoyoko obtained a final score of 3.43 (very practical). Small Group stage results based on a scale of Widoyoko obtained a final score of 3.63 (very practical). The effectiveness of the modules obtained from the final evaluation of test results with the average results of student learning is 81. From the result of field test, it can be concluded that the chemistry learning modules thermochemical materials is developed to included in the criteria of valid, practical, and effective. Teachers suggested can use this module as a learning support chemistry.