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  • Background: Chronic renal failure is a clinical condition characterized by irreversible kidney function decline and requires permanent renal replacement therapy, in the form of dialysis or renal transplantation. Increased serum uric acid levels may form uric acid crystals in the kidneys and may precipitate within the renal medullary interstitium, the tubules that will eventually lead to acute and chronic renal failure. If the kidney condition is not working above 75%, hemodialysis is a process that helps the patient. This study aims to see the ratio of uric acid levels before and after hemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure. Methods: This study was conducted with the design of onegroup pretest-posttest study in patients with chronic renal failure as 90 patients by collecting primary data through examination of uric acid levels before and after hemodialysis using auto check tool, and filling the questionnaire. The Wilcoxon test was performed for statistical tests of the results obtained. Result: There were 90 samples and the average uric acid level before hemodialysis 10,836 mg / dl and after hemodialysis 4,178 mg / dl. Wilcoxon test results showed that there was a significant comparison of uric acid levels before and after hemodialysis (p = 0,000). Conclusions: There was a significant comparison of uric acid levels before and after hemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure.