Daftar Isi:
  • This final project aims to optimize the religious activities that take place in Lahat City. The form of implementation of activities that are still scattered in several mosques is considered necessary to be coordinated so that these activities can be held in one place. In addition, a forum of activities is needed which not only facilitates sacred activities but also soprano activities. So, the idea emerged to design this Islamic Center. In the design, the conceptual approach taken is a modern concept, in which this concept synergizes with Islamic rules that apply in everyday life. From this concept will be born the geometry of standard buildings, rigid, simple, with an open material appearance. In the form of a site, this design tries to display an environmentally soothing pattern, and in shape, showing extraordinary building patterns and icons. For its activities, program activities that are formed include, daily worship, management, education, economy, social and culture. From the results of the design, the building mass is formed into three, namely: the mosque as the center of the building, the plaza as a counterweight, and building services as the background. This result shows how the design made is quite complex even though the process is still fairly simple. Keywords: optimal, sacred and soprano, Islamic Center, modern, complex