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  • This research is entitled “The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model Implementation Toward Students’ Critical Thinking Skill in History Subject in Class XI Senior High School 5 Palembang”. The formulation of the problem of this research was the effect of inquiry learning model implementation toward students’ critical thinking skill in History Subject in class XI Senior High School 5 Palembang. It aimed to find out whether there was effect in inquiry learning model toward students’ critical thinking skill in History Subject in class XI Senior High School 5 Palembang. This research was an experimental research with the population of all students of class XI and sample in this research were students in XI IPA 2 as experiment class and XI IPA 4 as control class. Technique of collecting the data used in this research were observation and test technique. Based on the research, it was obtained that students were in very high category in formulating problem of 41.66%. Students’ ability in collecting information was in very high category of 38.88%. Students’ ability in analyzing the problem was in very high category of 30.55%. Student’s skill in questioning and answering was in very high category of 66.66% and the indicator of students’ skill in making decision was in very high category of 58.33%. Furthermore, data were analyzed using t test with significant level of α=0,05 and dk = 70 obtained hypothesis test tcount of 3,93 and ttable of 1.68830, thus tcount > ttable or 3.93 > 1.68830. therefore, Ha was accepted because implementation of inquiry learning model gave effect toward students’ critical thinking skill in history subject in class XI Senior High School 5 Palembang. Key words: Inquiry Learning Model, Critical Thinking.