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  • The purpose of this research was to determine role of self-concept to consumptive behavior using online shopping within female teenager in Palembang City. Hypothesis of this research was there’s contribution of self-concept to consumptive behavior using online shopping within female teenager in Palembang City. Population of this research was female teenager in Palembang City aged 12-23 years old. Sample of this research consists of 150 female teenagers , were tested using incidental method. Self-concept and consumptive behavior was measured by self-concept and consumptive behavior scale which refers to Calhoun and Acocella’s self-concept theory (1995) and Sumartono’s consumptive behavior theory (2002). Data analysis used simple regression analysis. Simple regression analysis resulted R=0.166, R square= 0.227, F= 4181, and Sig= 0.043 (p<0.050). It showed thus hypothesis is accepted, that was self-concept has significant role toward consumptive behavior. The magnitude of the role amount 2,7% and the 97,3% is affected by other factors.