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Respon Proliferasi, Diferensiasi dan Ekspresi C/EBPa Akibat Paparan Quercetin pada Kultur Preadiposit Tikus (Rattus Norvegicus) Strain Wistar Secara In Vitro
oleh Ratnawati, Retty , Satuman, Satuman , Hernowati, Tinny Endang
Proliferation and differentiation of stromal-vcascular cells in primary culture differe between neonatal pigs consuming maternal or formula milk
oleh Vincent Gerfault....[et al]
Conjugated linoleic acid inhibits proliferation but stimulates lipid filling of maurine 3T3-L1 preadipocytes
oleh David L Satory , Stephen B. Smith
Expression of interleuikin-6 is greater in preadipocytes than in adipocytes of 3T3-L1 cells and C57BL/6J and ob/ob mice
oleh Janette M. Harkins...[et al.]
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