
Universitas Presiden
Status Deleted 1 Sector University 1
Harvest - 1 Total 1
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Title JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) Widget
Library JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) (2823) Widget
Institution Universitas Presiden (3138) Widget
City Cikarang
OAI Base http: / / /presunivojs /index.php /JAAF /oai1
Prefix oai_dc
Format Journal
Software [Other]
Subjects Accounting/Akuntansi; Financial Economics, Finance/Ekonomi Keuangan dan Finansial, Ekonomi Biaya dan Pembiayaan; Auditing/Audit Keuangan, Pemeriksaan Keuangan; Taxes and Taxation/Pajak dan Perpajakan
IOS Page IOS7994
University 7994 Deleted 1481 hari