Grant review guide: top 6 ways to annoy a grant reviewer

Main Authors: Bar-Zeev, Yoram, Wachs, Yasmin
Format: info lesson
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: , 2018
Online Access:
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  • When submitting a grant proposal, our motivation is to have the reviewer on “our side” – enthusiastic and positive about our project. In the grant review context, this is largely so that reviewers will write a positive review. This is done to increase the chance that the grant is retained for funding by the funding agency. Knowing that reviewers have lots of grant applications to cover, and that time is always of the essence, we want to ease the reading and “help” the reviewer get a positive impression. Once the basic tips for grant writing are in place, we’ll want to ensure we avoid annoying the reviewers during the grant review process. To minimize such occurrences, we have collected the top 6 most annoying practices in grant writing. We highly advise applicants to avoid the following points.