Algebraically in silico discovered of a multi-epitope mimic poly-pharmacophore to Multiple Peptides Derived from Cancer-Testis Antigens as a promising anti-tumor pharmaco-agent for the maintance of a Specific T-cell Response in Long-term Vaccinated patients Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer using a parallel web service for structural proteome-wide ligand-binding site comparison

Main Author: Ioannis Grigoriadis
Format: Article Journal
Terbitan: , 2015
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • The prognosis of patients with advanced biliary tract cancer (BTC) is extremely poor and thereare only a few standard treatments. We conducted a phase I trial to investigate the safety, immune response,and antitumor effect of vaccination with four peptides derived from cancer-testis antigens, with a focus ontheir fluctuations during long-term vaccination until the disease had progressed. A unified statistical model to support local sequence order independent similarity searching for ligand-binding sites and its application to genome-based drug discovery. Bioinformatics, 25, i305–i312.]. These algorithms have been extensively benchmarked and shown to outperform most existing algorithms. Moreover, several predictions resulting from SMAP-WS have been validated experimentally. Thus far SMAP-WS has been applied to predict drug side effects, and to repurpose existing drugs for new indications. SMAP-WS provides both a user-friendly web interface and programming API for scientists to address a wide range of compute intense questions in biology and drug discovery. Here, we have for the first time discovered a multi-epitope mimic poly-pharmacophore to Multiple Peptides Derived from Cancer-Testis Antigens for the maintance of a Specific T-cell Response in Long-term Vaccinated patients with Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer using the BiogenetoligandorolTM based SMAP-WS chemical informatic parallel web service for structural proteome-wide ligand-binding site comparison.