Eonycteris spelaea

Main Authors: Huang, Joe Chun-Chia, Jazdzyk, Elly Lestari, Nusalawo, Meyner, Maryanto, Ibnu, Maharadatunkamsi, Wiantoro, Sigit, Kingston, Tigga
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2014
Online Access: https://zenodo.org/record/4341943
Daftar Isi:
  • Eonycteris spelaea (Dobson, 1871) Lesser dawn bat New records Lampung Province: Kuyung Arang Village, Lombok Village, Sukabanjar Village, Sidodadi Village, Sukaraja Village, Sukaraja Forest, Sumberjaya Village, Sumber Rejo Village, Way Canguk Forest. New material Two individuals were collected as voucher specimens. Lampung Province: Sumberjaya Village, 1♂, 1♀ (MZB 34959, 34960). Previous records from Sumatra North Sumatra Province: caves near Kotabuluh and Rampah (Whitten et al., 2000); West Sumatra Province: Mininjau (Sibuea and Herdimansyah, 1993); and throughout Sumatra as detailed in van Strien (1996). Remarks Eonycteris spelaea was common throughout the study area, but more abundant in coffee plantations than in forest. One individual was caught with mist nets above the Way Canguk River. It is easily distinguished from other pteropodids by the lack of a claw on the second finger. Individuals were observed feeding on flowers of kapok (Ceiba pentandra) and coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) in Sumber Rejo Village (JCCH, personal observation). It has been recorded roosting with Rousettus bats in a cave in Way Canguk Forest (MN, unpublished data).
  • Published as part of Huang, Joe Chun-Chia, Jazdzyk, Elly Lestari, Nusalawo, Meyner, Maryanto, Ibnu, Maharadatunkamsi, Wiantoro, Sigit & Kingston, Tigga, 2014, A recent bat survey reveals Bukit Barisan Selatan Landscape as a chiropteran diversity hotspot in Sumatra, pp. 413-449 in Acta Chiropterologica 16 (2) on pages 421-425, DOI: 10.3161/150811014X687369, http://zenodo.org/record/3943617