Analisis pengaruh store image dan store brand price image terhadap purchase intention melalui perceived risk dari suatu private label brand. studi kasus private label brand giant = Analyzing effects of store image and store brand price image on purchase intention through perceived risk to private label brand case study private label brand giant

Main Author: Adelina Mulyasari, author
Format: Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2017
Online Access: Mulyasari.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • Purchase Intention mampu dibentuk dari tiga variabel yang berbeda yakni Store Image, Store Brand Price Image serta Perceived Risk. Dimana dari tiga variable tersebut masing-masing memiliki beberapa dimensi, seperti Store Image dengan tiga dimensi yakni Layout, Merchandise dan Service. Sementara untuk variabel Perceived Risk terdiri dari dua indicator yaitu Function Risk dan Financial Risk. Variabel terakhir yaitu Price Image dengan dua dimensi yaitu Price Benefi dan Price Level. Melalui penelitian ini, Giant diambil sebagai objek penelitian. Pengambilan sampel sebanyak 131 sampel dengan sampel yang belum pernah membeli produk merek Giant. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi pengaruh yang signifikan citra ritel/toko, citra harga serta persepsi risiko terhadap minta beli konsumen terhadap produk merek ritel. Pengaruh signifikan juga terjadi Antara citra ritel terhadap persepsi risiko dan citra harga terdapat persepsi risiko. Kata Kunci :Store Image, Store Brand Price Image, Perceived Risk, Purchase Intention. Citra harga, citra ritel, persepsi risiko.<hr />Purchase Intention can developed by Store Image, Store Brand Price Image and Perceived Risk. There are three variable has each dimension. Like for store image has three dimension which are layout, merchandise and service. For store brand price image has two dimension price level and price benefit. The last perceived risk has two dimension function risk and financial risk. This research found 131 samples with the criteria respondent who not yet buy product store brand. The result for this research is there are significant influence show purchase intention to store image, store brand price image and perceived risk. Key Words Store Image, Store Brand Price Image and Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention