Perbandingan pengukuran model studi konvensional dengan model studi 3D hasil pemindaian laser = Comparison of measurements between conventional study models with Digital 3D study models from laser scanning

Main Authors: Ririt Damayanti, author, Add author: Nia Ayu Ismaniati, supervisor, Add author: Fadli Jazaldi, supervisor, Add author: Miesje Karmiati Purwanegara, examiner, Add author: Krisnawati, examiner, Add author: Benny M. Soegiharto, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2012
Online Access:
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penggunaan model studi digital di Indonesia saat ini belum populer, akan tetapi adanya permasalahan kebutuhan penyimpanan ruangan, kebutuhan penyajian rencana perawatan yang akurat dan belum adanya teknologi model studi tiga dimensi digital di Indonesia menjadi alasan dilakukan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan merakit pemindai laser dan ?benchmark? software tiga dimensi untuk kemudian membandingkan pengukuran pada model studi secara manual dengan digital. Material dan metode : Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 12 pasang model gigi paska perawatan ortodonti yang memiliki hubungan molar kelas I. Setiap model studi dipindai menggunakan pemindai laser tiga dimensi. Hasil pemindaian kemudian dilakukan pengukuran jarak mesiodistal, interkaninus, dan intermolar. Pengukuran pada model studi konvensional menggunakan kaliper digital dengan ketelitian 0,01mm dan menggunakan software pada model digital. Masing-masing nilai pengukuran dilakukan pengujian realibilitas (uji intraeksaminer) dengan uji T-test berpasangan, kemudian nilai pengukuran secara digital dibandingkan dengan pengukuran secara manual untuk dilakukan uji validitas menggunakan uji T-test tidak berpasangan. Hasil : Hasil uji intraeksaminer menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara penghitungan pertama dan kedua dengan nilai p antara 0,07-0,701. Hasil T-test tidak berpasangan menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara pengukuran model studi digital dengan pengukuran model studi konvensional dengan nilai selisih rata-rata lebar mesiodistal sebesar 0,09mm (SD=0,07), nilai rata-rata selisih pengukuran jarak interkaninus 0,10 mm (SD=0,03) dan nilai rata-rata selisih pengukuran jarak intermolar 0,08 mm (SD=0,03) dengan nilai p untuk semua jenis pengukuran antara 0,62-0,99. Kesimpulan : Perbandingan pengukuran secara manual dengan pengukuran pada model studi digital hasil pemindaian laser 3D menunjukan perbedaan yang tidak bermakna secara statistik. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> The use of digital study models in Indonesia is not popular, but problem such as space required for study models storage, the needs of accurate treatment planning and the absence of 3D digital study model technology in Indonesia is the reason to do this research. This study is an experimental study by assembling a 3D laser scanner with a 3D software "benchmark" and comparing the manual and digital study models measurements. Material and methods: The amount of samples used in this research was 12 pairs of post-orthodontic treatment study models with class I molar relationship. Each of the conventional study model was scanned and the mesiodistal, intercanine, and intermolar width was measured. Measurement were made with a digital calliper to the nearest 0.01 mm from conventional study models and with the software from the digital model. Each measurement value was tested to know the realibilility (intraexaminer test) using paired T-test, then the measurements of digital were compared with measurements performed manually using unpaired t-tests to kwow the validity. Results: The intraexaminer test showed no significant difference between the first and second measurements with p values between 0.07 to 0.701. The unpaired T-test showed no significant difference between measurements of digital study models with measurements of conventional models with the mean difference in mesiodistal width 0.09 mm (SD = 0.07), the mean difference of intercanine distance 0.10 mm (SD = 0.03) and the mean difference of intermolar distance 0.08 mm (SD = 0.03) with p values for all types of measurement between 0.62 to 0.99. Conclusion: Comparison of measurements between conventional study models with digital study models from 3D laser scanning showed no significant difference.;The use of digital study models in Indonesia is not popular, but problem such as space required for study models storage, the needs of accurate treatment planning and the absence of 3D digital study model technology in Indonesia is the reason to do this research. This study is an experimental study by assembling a 3D laser scanner with a 3D software "benchmark" and comparing the manual and digital study models measurements. Material and methods: The amount of samples used in this research was 12 pairs of post-orthodontic treatment study models with class I molar relationship. Each of the conventional study model was scanned and the mesiodistal, intercanine, and intermolar width was measured. Measurement were made with a digital calliper to the nearest 0.01 mm from conventional study models and with the software from the digital model. Each measurement value was tested to know the realibilility (intraexaminer test) using paired T-test, then the measurements of digital were compared with measurements performed manually using unpaired t-tests to kwow the validity. Results: The intraexaminer test showed no significant difference between the first and second measurements with p values between 0.07 to 0.701. The unpaired T-test showed no significant difference between measurements of digital study models with measurements of conventional models with the mean difference in mesiodistal width 0.09 mm (SD = 0.07), the mean difference of intercanine distance 0.10 mm (SD = 0.03) and the mean difference of intermolar distance 0.08 mm (SD = 0.03) with p values for all types of measurement between 0.62 to 0.99. Conclusion: Comparison of measurements between conventional study models with digital study models from 3D laser scanning showed no significant difference., The use of digital study models in Indonesia is not popular, but problem such as space required for study models storage, the needs of accurate treatment planning and the absence of 3D digital study model technology in Indonesia is the reason to do this research. This study is an experimental study by assembling a 3D laser scanner with a 3D software "benchmark" and comparing the manual and digital study models measurements. Material and methods: The amount of samples used in this research was 12 pairs of post-orthodontic treatment study models with class I molar relationship. Each of the conventional study model was scanned and the mesiodistal, intercanine, and intermolar width was measured. Measurement were made with a digital calliper to the nearest 0.01 mm from conventional study models and with the software from the digital model. Each measurement value was tested to know the realibilility (intraexaminer test) using paired T-test, then the measurements of digital were compared with measurements performed manually using unpaired t-tests to kwow the validity. Results: The intraexaminer test showed no significant difference between the first and second measurements with p values between 0.07 to 0.701. The unpaired T-test showed no significant difference between measurements of digital study models with measurements of conventional models with the mean difference in mesiodistal width 0.09 mm (SD = 0.07), the mean difference of intercanine distance 0.10 mm (SD = 0.03) and the mean difference of intermolar distance 0.08 mm (SD = 0.03) with p values for all types of measurement between 0.62 to 0.99. Conclusion: Comparison of measurements between conventional study models with digital study models from 3D laser scanning showed no significant difference.]