Peran Brand Preference dan Word of Mouth sebagai mediasi Pengaruh Brand Equity terhadap Purchase Intentions (Studi pada Pelanggan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero))

The purpose of this study is to examine and explain: 1) the influence of brand_x000D_ equity on the purchase intentions of customers. 2) the influence of brand equity_x000D_ on word of mouth customers. 3) the influence of brand equity on brand_x000D_ preference of customers. 4) the effect of brand p...

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Main Author: Kiagus Muhammad Amran ; Prof. Dr. Margono Setiawan, SE.,SU ,Dr. Djumahir, SE., MM ,Prof. Dr. Djumilah Hadiwidjojo, SE (-)
Terbitan: Malang : Disertasi Manajemen FEB - UB

, 2015
Edition: 117020207111002
Online Access:
Summary: The purpose of this study is to examine and explain: 1) the influence of brand_x000D_ equity on the purchase intentions of customers. 2) the influence of brand equity_x000D_ on word of mouth customers. 3) the influence of brand equity on brand_x000D_ preference of customers. 4) the effect of brand preference for word of mouth_x000D_ customers, 5) the effect of word of mouth to the customer purchase intentions. 6)_x000D_ the effect of brand preference for customer purchase intentions PT Pos_x000D_ Indonesia (Persero) East Java. This study used a survey design and data_x000D_ collection through a questionnaire. The unit of analysis is the customers who_x000D_ make transactions Pos Payment, Pos Express and/or Weselpos. Analysis_x000D_ equipment used in the data analysis is the analysis of GSCA (Generalized_x000D_ structural Component Analysis) software Visual GSCA 1.0. These results indicate_x000D_ that brand equity is able to explain the increase in purchase intention of_x000D_ customers, brand perceived quality become the most powerful dimention form of_x000D_ brand equity variables and indicators of quality of service become the most_x000D_ powerful indicator variable form of brand equity, with brand preference and word_x000D_ of mouth role as a mediating influence of brand equity on the purchase_x000D_ intentions . The practical contributions of this research for the post office_x000D_ management, need to pay attention to brand equity, word of mouth and brand_x000D_ preferences, purchase intentions of customers can be expected to continue to_x000D_ rise continuously, the quality of service becomes the most powerful indicator and_x000D_ should be the focus of management attention as much as 76.3% a customer who_x000D_ has recurring transactions, and increased arousal word of mouth customers._x000D_ _x000D_ Keywords : brand equity, purchase intentions, word of mouth, brand preference
Physical Description: 180 hall : Illus. ; 28 cm