Analisis pengaruh hedonic value dan utilitarian value terhadap kepuasan konsumen, dan behavioral intentions, pada industri fast-casual Restaurant: studi pada Restoran Social House = Analysis of hedonic, and utilitarian values on customer satisfaction and behavioral Intentions, in the fast-casual restaurant industry: case of social house customer

Main Authors: Gilang Widya Kartika, author, Add author: Adi Zakaria Afiff, supervisor, Add author: T. Ezni Balqiah, examiner, Add author: Bambang Wiharto, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2012
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  • <b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh nilai utilitarian, dan nilai hedonik terhadap kepuasan konsumen dan behavioral intetions pada industri fastcasual restaurant, dan merupakan studi kasus pada konsumen restoran Social House. Data yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah data primer dari 160 pelanggan restoran Social House, yang sudah pernah makan di Social House sejak bulan Januari hingga April 2012. Hasil analisis penelitian dengan menggunakan SEM, menunjukkan bahwa ternyata nilai utilitarian berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsuen, dan begitu juga nilai hedonik, dimana dari enam faktor motivasi belanja hedonik terdapat tiga faktor motivasi yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen, ketiga faktor tersebut adalah, adventure shopping, value shopping dan role shopping. Dari ketiga faktor motivasi tersebut faktor motivasi role shopping memiliki pengaruh kepada behavioral intetions. Dari hasil penelitian juga didapatkan bahwa kepuasan konsumen memiliki pengaruh positif yang kuat terhadap behavioral intetions. Hal ini berarti semakin puas konsumen maka konsumen akan semakin sering untuk makan di Social House, datang kembali ke Social House, dan menyebarkan informasi positif tentang Social House. <hr> <b>Abstract</b><br> This study aims to investigate the effect of utility value, and hedonic value on customer satisfaction and behavioral intetions, in the fast-casual restaurant industry, and this researh is case study of consumer at Social House restaurant. The data were collected from 160 Customer from Social House, that have an experience eating in Social House start from January 2012 until April 2012. By using structural equation model (SEM) the results of this study show that utility values has positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, and for hedonic value, from six consumer shopping motivations, only three of it that have effect on consumer satisfactions. Those three consumer motivation consist of, adventure shopping, value shopping and role shopping. From those three shopping motivation only role shopping motivation that has positive and significant effect on behavioral intetions. The other result from this study its evidently tested that customer satisfaction has positive and significant effect on behavioral intentions. From that result, this mean the more satisfied consumer of Social House service, so they will likely come again to Social House, come more often, and give a positive word of mouth to other people they know.