Content analysis on websites based on grunig four models of public relations case study 30 Asia Pasific Banks

Main Authors: Ira Aryani, author, Add author: M. Gunawan Alif, supervisor, Add author: Bambang Wiharto, examiner, Add author: T. Ezni Balqiah, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2012
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Public relations paradigm has shifted fiom one Way communication that benefited only the organization to two way communications which benefited the organization as well as the society. Grunig has introduced this model of communications through four model of cormnunications. The thesis firstly discuss the evolution of public relations models and then indentify features related to this model on the Asia Pacific banks Websites that cover conventional and sharia banking. This study is done by using content analysis qualitative research. The result of this research shows that majority of Asia Pacific banking industry uses press agentry and public infonnation models (one-way communication) on their websites.